When thinking of the myriad challenges financial services companies face in their day-to-day operations, few might pinpoint the management, collation, and analysis of content as a major struggle. Yet dealing with it has been an onerous task for decades.
The repository for the millions of documents companies deal with has changed from a dusty records room in the basement of a skyscraper to a humming datacentre (most likely still in the basement). Financial services companies must now seek ways to better streamline the way they process incoming data, and how existing content processes can be improved, ready for the adoption of deeper analytical technology.
An organisation can lay the groundwork for real progress through the digital conversion and preparation of its content, retrofitted to interact with technology which is set to change the way the industry operates: artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML).
This deep dive industry report explores how AI and ML can revolutionise the way companies deal with content.
From analysis to automation and insight, the report investigates:
• Why the data deluge is only going to grow.
• How to optimise existing siloes ready for AI integration.
• AI’s impact on customer retention, satisfaction, and future innovation.