Supply Chain Management
47 whitepapers and resources
Supply Chain Management
Why are HNW MGAs dropping like flies?
After numerous MGAs operating in the high-net-worth space have either been sold or gone into run-off over the last few years, this article explores what it takes to survive in this space.
How insurers can up their claims game
The often glib promises about speedy, hassle-free claims settlement could be catching up with the industry, as the FCA starts to ask serious questions about the promises being made, and the failures to live up to customer expectations. This article explores how insurers can up their claims game.
How insurers should navigate supply chain disruption
For many businesses, supply chain disruption has become the norm, rather than an aberration, and this trend will likely continue. With supply chain disruption continuing, this article explores why companies need to prioritise resilience and proactive prevention measures beyond insurance reliance.
Electric vehicles and the future of motor insurance
How will the rise of electric vehicles and the FCA’s Consumer Duty affect the car hire and replacement vehicle market? This report sheds light on the key findings from the Insurance Post/Europcar Shifting Gears Motor Survey and how motor insurers can future proof their businesses.
Why open claims ecosystems are required
To deliver a claims service that customers can rely upon and insurers can be proud of, this article explores why collaboration between insurance providers, technology partners, and solution providers is needed.
Evolving the insurance claims supply chain
Insurers and brokers are re-evaluating their supply chain strategies in the face of ongoing resource scarcity, and outsourcing is becoming more prevalent in today’s claims management world. This article examines the rise of outsourcing in a resource-scarce world.
How can ESG data help insurers reduce climate risk?
Climate change is one of the greatest, long-term risks facing the insurance sector. Fortunately, insurers can play a pivotal role in the transition to a greener economy. This content focuses on how insurers can contribute to a greener future by leveraging ESG data to reduce climate risk.
Multi-occupancy buildings insurance - broker remuneration
Read the findings of the FCA’s multi-occupancy buildings insurance broker remuneration review, its conclusions and next steps. One of the findings in the broker market was evidence of some high commission rates and poor practices which were not consistent with driving fair value to the customer.
How brokers can outsource their motor claims process and still stay in control
Many brokers are choosing to outsource their motor claims process to free up valuable time. This content provides some top tips for brokers on how to outsource motor claims processes whilst retaining complete visibility and control over costs, quality of service and customer satisfaction.
In-depth - Legal expenses insurance: A legal rollercoaster ride
With the effects of Covid, the war in Ukraine and Brexit rearing their heads, legal expenses insurance has moved into the spotlight. This content highlights the factors which are driving an increasingly litigious landscape and how legal expenses cover provides value in volatile times.