Supply Chain Management
47 whitepapers and resources
Supply Chain Management
Three reasons why insurers choose Optal for B2B payments
In the quest to reduce costs and become more efficient through digital technologies, supplier payments is an area often overlooked within insurance. This guide highlights three reasons why global insurers are choosing Optal to optimise their payment processes and strip out hidden inefficiencies.
VAN added value stories: Data security officer's story
The Data Security or Data Protection Officer is an increasingly vital role within the insurance sector, especially following the implementation of GDPR. This short guide highlights how Optal’s Virtual Account Numbers (VANs) can be used by insurers to mitigate the risks of a data breach occurring.
VAN added value stories: Garage repair owner's story
Insurers spend millions of pounds every year with garages on vehicle repairs. This short guide highlights how Optal’s Virtual Account Numbers (VANs) can be used by insurers to pay any suppliers and help ensure that the repair process runs smoothly.
VAN added value stories: Claims director/manager
Claims directors at insurance companies may find themselves presented with numerous challenges when it comes to making B2B payments related to claims. This short guide highlights how Optal’s Virtual Account Numbers (VANs) offer a solution to the challenges faced by senior claims professionals.
Spotlight motor insurance: Vehicle hire - What is best practice for today’s insurance market?
The expectation of a positive customer experience within motor insurance is never higher than when it comes to claims. This spotlight looks at how following best practice in replacement vehicle hire can add value to the motor claims process and improve customer experience.
Claims transformation: How digital B2B payments can help insurers drive profits and reduce risk
Digital change is sweeping through the entire insurance industry, with the claims payment process also ripe for a digital overhaul. This report sheds light on the opportunities presented by digital transformation in the claims payment space.
Q&A: Flooding and the role of the loss adjuster
Anyone dealing with serious flood damage will come into contact with a loss adjuster. In this article, Mike Weatherhead, Director, Head of Technical Best Practice at Vericlaim, explains the work of loss adjusters and how all parties can get the most from the interaction.
A risk in every port
Reason magazine reveals the seven exposures that could jeopardise your cargo and disrupt your supply chain, and how to develop a loss control programme.
Digital change is transforming the insurance industry & B2B payments
The insurance industry may historically have been largely hidebound by legacy IT, but change is afoot. This article briefly outlines how digital change is gathering speed in the B2B payments space and how insurers can benefit by improving their claims processes.
Rapid recovery from catastrophic mechanical damage
Discover how FM Global helped Boston Generating shrink turbine replacement lead time from 18 months to 129 days, reducing lost revenues.