
396 whitepapers and resources


How ARAG Advance helps firms balance their books

The longer it takes to resolve a civil justice case, the longer law firms have to shoulder the burden of funding disbursement costs. This blog highlights how ARAG Advance provides a unique disbursement funding solution for law firms that offers flexible and transparent arrangements.

The cost of birth trauma

According to the most recent annual report from NHS Resolution, total clinical negligence payments relating to maternity failings amounted to £2.8 billion. This blog focuses on the cost of birth trauma and why improvements in maternity care are desperately needed.

Diminishing justice

Tony Buss, CEO of ARAG, the UK’s leading insurer of legal costs has been a key figure in the fight for access to justice for nearly 40 years. In this article, Buss reflects on the continuing crisis in the justice system, its effect on the country and how he hopes things might improve.