ARAG Legal Services

ARAG plc is an internationally successful, quality insurer, independent and family owned - providing access to justice since 1935. We provide an innovative and comprehensive range of legal expenses insurance and assistance products to brokers, underwriting agents and insurers. 

Our products allow brokers to offer legal protection to businesses, families, motorists, and landlords and our range of assistance products include Home Emergency, Landlord Emergency and Motor Breakdown.

Trust in AI

Polarisation between AI’s doomsayers and its evangelists may have abated but the technology still promises enormous rewards alongside great risks. ARAG's incoming CEO, David Haynes, looks at how insurers can reap the benefits without endangering the trust that underpins their business.

Assessing the gender justice gap

The gender justice gap has been identified as a global issue and spans both civil and criminal justice. In the UK, various pieces of research have highlighted gaps in the justice system, in terms of both access and outcomes for women. Read this content to find out more.

Jingle bells and legal spells: Navigating Christmas laws

With the increased usage of social media, people’s behaviour at any work-related party can be posted to a global audience in seconds. As we approach the Christmas party season, DAS Law’s Grace Hughes takes a look at the new duty on employers on the prevention of sexual harassment in the workplace.