1162 whitepapers and resources
Achieving digital agility in the age of Covid-19
This blog highlights some of the challenges businesses are facing in the age of Covid-19 and ways to improve digital agility in order to overcome this disruption and lead meaningful conversations with customers at a time when it is more important than ever.
Resolve to make conversations SMARTER in 2020
To be successful in 2020, companies must become more digital-focused, while keeping customer experience a top priority. Download this whitepaper to be inspired to transform customer communications into engaging, SMARTER conversations!
Evolving from customer communications to SMARTER conversations
Your customers are trying to tell you something, and it's time to deliver. This eBook addresses the critical need for companies to start to have SMARTER customer conversations and how you deliver the change your customers want and need.
Simplifying your core systems
Given the potential to save time and resources, the rationale behind having a common set of definitions seems pretty clear-cut, yet most insurers have not implemented this imperative. This white paper provides advice to insurers on the specific steps they can take to simplify their core systems.
Tackling the complex challenges of commercial insurers with Duck Creek Solutions
For commercial insurers, the ability to rapidly process complex data and act on it swiftly is a critical competitive advantage. This white paper explores the unique challenges facing commercial insurers and the ways in which Duck Creek's solutions can turn those challenges into opportunities.
Customer centricity in the digital age
To succeed in the modern insurance marketplace, carriers must focus first and foremost on the evolving expectations of their customers. This eBook explores the tools, techniques, and strategies carriers can tap into for success, and delves into three key concepts.
Are customer communications getting SMARTer?
Smart Communications conducted research to understand what matters most to consumers when it comes to the communications they are receiving from financial services and insurance companies. This report sheds light on the research findings and how companies can deliver on customer experience.
Are technology upgrades holding insurers back?
The insurance technology landscape is developing rapidly. Based on research conducted by Duck Creek Technologies, this report focuses on the current technology challenges facing European insurance businesses and the impact of technology upgrades on day-to-day business activities.
Responding to Covid-19 in insurance operations: Four key stages to accelerate recovery as the "future of work" is redefined
The insurance industry is experiencing seismic shifts in day-to-day operations stemming from Covid-19, but early signs of longer-term trends are also starting to emerge. Based on questions from insurers, this paper focuses on four key stages to accelerate recovery as the future of work is redefined.
How managed digital business service can assist in transforming the insurance of the future
This whitepaper sheds light on the factors shaping the insurance ecosystem of the future and how incumbent insurers can leverage a managed digital business service to achieve a competitive advantage and long term growth, whilst also becoming more customer centric.