ESG Spotlight: Ethics, talent and underwriting profit - how ESG can help insurers

Twenty years ago, the United Nations published a landmark report, called Who cares wins, encouraging companies to embrace environmental, social and governance principles.

The report is widely seen as the birth of ESG. Two decades have passed since that watershed moment, yet some insurance companies still lack clarity on how to embed ESG into their business practices. This year, Insurance Post and solutions provider CRIF surveyed insurance professionals on ESG. Only 18% of staff said ESG was wholly embedded in products and services. This means most insurers are not yet fully embracing ESG in working practices.

If they are looking for ideas, a group of UK insurers are showing best practice – from pricing and underwriting to staff motivation and community investment.

This spotlight sheds light on how ESG can help insurers.

Topics covered:
• Helping customers.
• Focus on profits.
• Underwriting carefully.
• Staff and social impact.