Business Management

2112 whitepapers and resources

Business Management - White papers related to Business Management

Ethical AI: A quick-start guide for executives

To unlock the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) both to optimise and even transform organisations, we need to be clear-eyed about the issues we need to manage. This report sheds light on the key AI ethics issues for business and how you can build AI ethics into your organisation.

Video case study: Escape of water claims

In this video, Vanessa Millar, claims relationship manager at Aviva discusses how her team can support clients when it comes to escape of water claims by looking at claims MI data, and working closely with their risk prevention colleagues to implement strategies which help to avoid future losses.

Digital Broker Annual Report 2019

Based on input from 850 independent brokers, this report sheds light on the findings from the fourth annual Applied Digital Broker Survey. The report examines technology use within the broking space, five core competencies of a digital broker and why becoming a digital broker matters.