Business Management

2148 whitepapers and resources

Business Management - White papers related to Business Management

Choosing a delivery model: A SaaS handbook

Property and casualty carriers know that hosting legacy systems on-premises is no longer a viable path to success. This guide provides advice to carriers on how to choose a cloud based solution that fits their business model, whilst also addressing some common cloud security misconceptions.

Realising the benefits of global programs

This article focuses on the benefits of global insurance programs for multinational clients. Topics covered include: aggregating individual country risk globally; supporting more effective enterprise risk management; providing risk managers with greater control over how claims are managed.

Spotlight on global programs

Global insurance programs are an essential tool for many multinational companies looking to mitigate their liability risks. Daniel Fay, head of international casualty-Asia at AXA XL addresses some common questions about global programs and highlights some of the under-appreciated benefits.

Insuring the intangible

Managing and mitigating the risks associated with intangible assets is complicated by the fact that they, by definition, are indistinct. This article looks at the advantages of captives over traditional risk transfer solutions covering IP, data, brand and other intangible assets.

Mock trial training document

Have you ever wondered what happens if a legal claim goes to mediation, or even to trial? Following on from ARAG’s commercial contract mock mediation and trial event, this training document includes the legal information provided by the claimant and defendant’s solicitors.