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Business Management - White papers related to Business Management
The future for captives: A strategic global business service model
It's getting harder to remain a captive. Income is down, CAT losses are up, and customers are demanding new forms of interaction which necessitate investments in digital technologies. This content looks at how captives can leverage specific digital technologies to address global challenges.
The dawn of the age of AI in insurance
Artificial intelligence (AI) will change the face of the insurance industry. This report explores the rise of AI across the industry, the use cases that will revolutionise claims and underwriting, and how insurers can overcome the challenges when implementing this game-changing technology.
Motor Mouth podcast six: Whiplash reforms fatigue and building a stronger customer journey
This week’s podcast brings you two topics in one episode. Jonathan Swift, content director for Insurance Post, interviews Simon Gallimore, vice-president for casualty and motor claims at AIG, on the topics of whiplash reforms and the customer journey.
Special report: The key issues impacting the motor insurance sector in 2020 and beyond
Ahead of Insurance Post’s upcoming Motor Insurance World event, this report focuses on the key issues impacting the sector. Topics covered: whiplash portal update; distracted drivers and mobile phone usage; keyless motor theft; how data from motor crashes will help reduce fraudulent claims.
Video: AI in insurance - Transforming customer relationships
Artificial intelligence will transform the insurance industry. In this video, Sasha Sanyal, Genpact's global business leader for insurance, discusses how insurers are using AI to impress and retain their customers.
Navigating the pace of change in general insurance
External forces are necessitating fundamental changes to the way insurers do business. Duck Creek Technologies commissioned Celent to survey carriers’ stances on the pace of change in insurance and the drivers causing this transformation. Download this research report to find out more.
Civil unrest sweeps the globe
The 2019 AXA-Eurasia Group Future Risks Report found that “social discontent and local conflicts” was the fourth most significant emerging risk facing the world today. This article highlights the implications for companies and investors, as well as the importance of proactive risk management.
Motor Mouth podcast three: Car repairs in the digital age
In the third of our series of podcasts with Motor Insurance World speakers, Mike Partridge, paint and body business manager at Volkswagen UK, is interviewed by Post’s content director Jonathan Swift, outlining what challenges insurers can expect to come across over the next decade.
Top tips from the experts on motorhome cover
With the average price of a motorhome costing in excess of £50,000, it’s important that owners have the right specialist insurance cover should the unexpected happen. This article focuses on some important factors that brokers and their clients should consider before obtaining cover.
The many faces of malicious software
Did you know malware was the third most common form of cyber attack in 2019? In this article, Aviva highlights three common ‘guises’ of malware and the steps that you and your business can take to avoid becoming a victim.