IT Planning
363 whitepapers and resources
IT Planning and Management
Infographic: Good cyber security - the foundations
Cyber attacks are increasing in number, scale and sophistication, and pose a threat to all financial services firms. Is your firm capable of defending itself against cyber attacks? This infographic highlights effective cyber security practices and what you should do in the event of an attack.
Tackling noise induced hearing loss claims
February 2016 saw the first ‘fundamentally dishonest’ ruling made in relation to a noise induced hearing loss [NIHL] claim. This article highlights the significance of the ruling and offers three top tips for insurers interrogating data related to NIHL claims.
One size fits all? Not for global insurers
As global insurers move to common IT platforms and applications, they’ve come to the realisation that a “Company Layer” to handle enterprise-level capabilities is essential for operations. This article looks at the components that lend themselves to a “Company Layer” and the benefits for insurers.
Ensure your third-party cyber defences are in order
StrategicRisk shows how to reduce your third-party cyber risk exposure and prepare to meet upcoming data protection regulations.
A how-to guide for customer service
Whether you are in customer service or a management team, the pressure is on. In a world where customer satisfaction has never been more important – and never more difficult to maintain, this paper provides some practical ideas for getting the most out of your support organisation.
Understanding customers and risk: Your cognitive future in the insurance industry
For insurance, cognitive computing has indeed arrived, and its potential to transform the industry is enormous. Already, cognitive systems are driving customer engagement through virtual digital agents and improving decisions for underwriters. This report highlights the implications for insurers.
Cloud computing for insurance
The cloud represents enormous opportunities for change in the insurance industry as organisations strive to accelerate business transformation, reduce costs and gain access to new markets. This whitepaper sheds light on how insurers are already reaping the benefits of cloud computing.
Rethinking insurance: How cognitive computing enhances engagement and efficiency
To better understand how the insurance industry can harness the power of cognitive technologies, IBM engaged over 1,500 executives worldwide for its Cognitive Insurance Survey. This report provides an in-depth analysis of that research and highlights how insurers can gain a competitive advantage.
Cloudy with a chance of mishap: How weather insights can help insurers manage risk and drive client value
This executive report identifies opportunities for insurance companies to use weather data as an important asset in both managing operational and financial risks, as well as improving customer relationships. The report also explores future directions in the use of weather related information.
Supply chain resilience starts with good data
Most supply chain disruption could be prevented with good use of data, says Adriano Lanzilotto of FM Global.