Business Intelligence

159 whitepapers and resources

Business Intelligence

The power of renewables

Renewable energy sources are becoming more widely used within the UK and so there's a need to address what insurance is required for the installations. In this white paper, we evaluate four types of renewable power and peer into what might lie in the future for renewable energy generation.

Half year review 2018

As we enter the second half of 2018, Neil Clutterbuck, Allianz chief underwriting officer, takes stock of some key industry topics and considers how these may develop. Topics covered: the Civil Liability Bill; Hackitt report; terrorism; broker market consolidation; ABI pricing principles and Brexit.

The evolution of healthcare insurance fraud

As the UK healthcare insurance market continues to grow, so too does the risk of healthcare insurance fraud. Produced by CRIF, this report sheds light on the common types of healthcare fraud, typical frauds impacting the NHS, and recent fraud trends and cases in the UK.

Is diesel running on empty?

With all the confusion around fuel consumption, drivers turning their back on diesel are ‘partly to blame’ for the first rise in CO2 emissions in 18 years. With alternative fuel sources gaining positive industry noise, are we seeing the slow death of diesel? Download this article to find out more.