Business Management
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Business Management - White papers related to Business Management
Managing operational risks during Covid-19: A focus on property and premises risks
The impact of Covid-19 on business operations means organisations face new or increased property or premises risks. In order to get businesses up and running as quickly as possible once the pressures from the pandemic ease, this article highlights five key risk areas businesses should focus on.
In-depth - business continuity: Lockdown logistics
Insurance is an industry based on personal relationships and face-to-face meetings, how has the sector adapted to the changes imposed during the coronavirus crisis? Download this article to find out more.
Let's Talk: How EIL is enabling the development of brownfield sites
Produced by AXA XL's London-based liability team, this article focuses on how environmental impairment liability (EIL) insurance supports property developers and why, without it, many sites would remain disused.
A potential side effect of the shutdown: Legionella
Water in idle buildings can quickly stagnate allowing Legionella, a potentially lethal pathogen, to thrive. In this article, Joachim Keck, a Casualty Risk Consultant with AXA XL, outlines the threat as well as the measures companies should consider taking to eliminate this risk.
In-depth - cyber: Are brokers protecting themselves against cyber risks?
To be successful advocates of cyber insurance products, it’s important that brokers take their own cyber risk seriously. This article focuses on how brokers can lead by example by ensuring they have the right technology and culture in place to mitigate cyber risks to their own businesses.
Transform inefficient operations: Leverage intelligent automation to drive efficiency, agility and performance
At Blue Prism Cloud’s recent roundtable event, an expert panel discussed how insurers can transform any inefficient operations they may have and improve their performance by leveraging intelligent automation. This article provides a summary of the discussion and the key points raised.
Conducting site visits in a public health crisis
In the midst of a public health crisis and the implementation of various regulations, design professionals may have to shift their strategies for conducting site visits. This article provides advice on healthy and safe practices, planning virtual site visits and potential liability exposure.
Webinar: How to emerge from the Covid-19 lockdown
In this webinar, Nic Brown, sales and marketing director and Richard Brooks, broker development director at Markel International look at what support is available to our brokers and policyholders to assist you and your clients with recovery and resilience as we emerge from lockdown.
Covid-19: Insurance considerations for care organisations and how we can support and assist you
Care organisations remain at the forefront of the fight against Covid-19 and there’s no doubt that the impact of the virus is a business critical event. Produced by Markel, this content highlights insurance considerations for care organisations and how they can mitigate their exposure.
Back under starter's orders: How horses were cared for during the Covid-19 lockdown
As horseracing becomes the first sport to recommence after the easing of the Covid-19 lockdown, Chris Williams, Global Practice Leader – Equine, Livestock and Aquaculture at AXA XL, explains how horses were cared for during the lockdown.