Business Management
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Business Management - White papers related to Business Management
Start me up: Managing the environmental challenges of idle facilities
This article focuses on how businesses can manage the environmental challenges of idle facilities and the environmental risks associated with restarting facilities following a prolonged period of lockdown.
Analysis of fire claim submissions during the UK lockdown
During the lockdown period, Crawford & Company has reported a 40% increase in reported fire-related incidents. This report focuses on the impact of lockdown on the number of UK commercial and domestic fire claims, as well as the factors contributing to the increase in fire-related claims.
Infographic: What does the future of work look like?
A new survey of over 6,700 employees and business leaders found that RPA and automation are leading digital transformation in this new economic reality. This infographic highlights what the future of work looks like.
Flexible furlough scheme: The next phase of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme
Since 1st July, it has been possible for employees to move to a flexible furloughing arrangement in which they can work under any part-time arrangement and be paid their normal wage for working hours. This article outlines the salient points of the next phase of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme.
Don't go with the flow: Water is the new fire in construction risk
Construction projects are inherently dangerous things and face a wide variety of unique risks, but there is one risk that is so common it can seem almost benign. Produced by AXA XL, this article focuses on why water is the new fire in construction risk and how businesses can mitigate the risks.
Survey revealed brokers' expectations for the year to come
ARAG conducted a survey of brokers at the recent Broker Connect virtual conference run by Insurance Business publisher Key Media, which produced some interesting results. Download this article for a brief overview of the research findings.
Leave in the time of Covid
This year decisions over granting holiday have the potential to create conflict and possibly legal issues, even in a normally harmonious workplace. This article briefly outlines the implications for employers and employees, including furloughed staff.
Covid-19 and insurance economics: Resilience and risk in the connected world
As businesses begin to re-open following Covid-19, many leaders are expected to respond with new or reshaped business models influenced by new perspectives on operational resilience. This article highlights how insurers can help companies evaluate the comprehensive economics of resilience.
In-depth - business interruption: Relationship troubles
While public perception of insurance has always been poor, the situation around business interruption claims during the lockdown is damaging the industry’s reputation further. This article investigates the impact on brokers.
In-depth - business interruption: Rebuilding trust
The relationship between broker and insurer has come under scrutiny, especially in relation to business interruption cover. This article focuses on how the industry can move forward and restore trust between clients, brokers and insurers.