Business Management
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Business Management - White papers related to Business Management
Using captives in multinational employee benefits programs
Employee benefits are an important part of any global corporation’s risk and insurance spend. Produced by AXA XL, this article explains the latest trends in employee benefits and how underwriting employee benefits in a captive can bring greater transparency and diversification.
Business intelligence: Unlocking the power of data to generate actionable insights
Business intelligence plays an integral role in every organisation, turning data into meaningful information for making the right decisions. This content sheds light on how businesses can get the most out of their business intelligence solutions by aligning data processes with people and technology.
Demystifying artificial intelligence in insurance
Artificial intelligence is one of the key topics in every insurer’s discussions, but what technologies are considered part of AI and how can they applied to the world of insurance? This ebook sheds light on how insurers can leverage AI to improve performance.
Webinar summary: Innovating for the 'next normal'
As we continue to deal with the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, an expert panel at a recent Innovating for the next normal webinar explored how the industry’s approach to innovation has changed and how insurers are responding to the new customer demands sparked by this most-recent disruption.
Pandemics & privacy: Managing cyber risks connected to Covid-19
As businesses reopen or consider reopening, any procedure that falls outside of standard operations could be placing companies at increased risk of privacy issues, not to mention cyber risks. Produced by AXA XL, this article focuses on how organisations can manage cyber risks connected to Covid-19.
How tech businesses can take advantage of their post-lockdown opportunities
Tech companies have always been an essential part of the UK economy, but Covid-19 has taken its toll. In this webinar, our presenters draw on their expertise to give us great insights into how tech businesses, rather than shying away are innovating and using this time as an opportunity.
InsurTalk with Laura Drabik: Aviva Italy's Vittorio Giusti on creating a better customer experience
In this video, Aviva Italy’s Chief Operating Officer, Vittorio Giusti discusses how the company's digital disruption initiative, AvivaPlus, radically redesigned the customer experience and created a digital paperless workflow tailored to the consumer.
Video: Providing a vision for intelligent automation in the insurance industry
With Covid-19 as a driver for transformation in all insurance sectors, this video from the 2020 Blue Prism World conference talks through the themes and trends for use of intelligent automation in the EMEA insurance markets.
Vlog with Alan O'Loughlin: Increased data volumes for insurance and building pathways for innovation
Produced by LexisNexis Risk Solutions, this video explains the rising volumes of data coming into the insurance world and how value is extracted from data in order to provide innovative solutions to insurance providers and their customers.
Captives' value rising as tools for resilience
2020 has been a remarkable year for emerging risks, and one of the early lessons is the need to enhance resilience. This article focuses on the specific ways captives enable businesses to be more resilient, whilst also financing and mitigating risks.