Technology Trends
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Technology Trends
The top 12 Qlik solutions in financial services
As the digital revolution in financial services accelerates, leading firms are gaining a competitive advantage by leveraging their most strategic resource: data. With Qlik, financial services firms are linking disparate data sources and empowering departments with self-service to uncover insights.
The rise of wearable tech and the underinsured
In our generation of fitness fanatics with access to increasingly expensive portable technology, have your clients accounted for the true value of their property? Download this article to find out how you can ensure that your clients have appropriate coverage.
Size of social engineering attacks growing
“Social engineering” refers to a variety of methods used to obtain access, data or money through fraud. This short article sheds light on three types of social engineering attacks which are on the rise and the risks facing businesses.
Infographic: Good cyber security - the foundations
Cyber attacks are increasing in number, scale and sophistication, and pose a threat to all financial services firms. Is your firm capable of defending itself against cyber attacks? This infographic highlights effective cyber security practices and what you should do in the event of an attack.
Text analytics: Telling stories that drive insurers’ progress
The value of big data has been well documented, but there has been a lot less focus on unstructured data. This article highlights how insurers can leverage text analytics to convert unstructured data into meaningful insights in relation to claims, underwriting and product development.
The future of risk scoring
As the insurance industry innovates to adapt to the changing face of risk and consumer expectations, how can insurers expect to benefit from the move to embrace enriched intelligence from new data sources? This article sheds light on the future of risk scoring and the top five anticipated benefits.
One size fits all? Not for global insurers
As global insurers move to common IT platforms and applications, they’ve come to the realisation that a “Company Layer” to handle enterprise-level capabilities is essential for operations. This article looks at the components that lend themselves to a “Company Layer” and the benefits for insurers.
Insuring construction’s complex risks
Construction is inherently a risky industry, especially with increasingly innovative and complex designs. Recent changes in the industry have also added risk management concerns to its current risk profile. This article highlights how insurers and brokers can navigate construction’s complex risks.
Webinar: Personalisation or irrelevance - Why insurance companies need to match their customer’s raised expectations in the digital age
Customers in the digital age want to feel important and prized, not just numbers feeding their bottom line. But what does this mean for insurers? This webinar discusses whether personalisation is possible and indeed desirable in insurance, and how it might be adopted.
Preventing ransomware – precautionary steps to take
You will have read about the NHS and many other organisations being impacted by a new strain of ransomware. This article sheds light on the threat posed by ransomware and outlines some precautionary steps you can take to avoid ransomware from infecting your system.