Technology Trends
1472 whitepapers and resources
Technology Trends
Infographic: GDPR - What are your rights as an insurance consumer?
This infographic provides an overview of insurance consumers’ main rights under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which applied from 25 May 2018.
Welcome to the upside down: Proof of concept purgatory
When it comes to insurtech innovations, proof of concept purgatory rears its ugly head when an early stage company is part of a paid pilot or proof of concept that ultimately leads nowhere. This article looks at why many insurtech startups get trapped in PoC Purgatory and how this can be avoided.
Succeeding with digital transformation: Roles and challenges of key insurance enterprise stakeholders
The chief digital (or data) officer, chief underwriting officer and chief information officer have critical roles to play in the DX process for insurers. In this whitepaper, we clarify the roles and challenges of these key stakeholders in achieving three essential pillars of digital transformation.
Technology's bold contribution to insurance
In this blog post, Laura Drabik, Group VP Business Innovation, Guidewire, outlines how InsurTech is creating new pathways in an old industry. The blog also highlights how the industry can benefit by adopting a bolder approach to finding innovative solutions for customers.
Charged up: Electric vehicles and their batteries
There are 2.5m electric vehicles currently on roads around the world, and this figure is expected to rise to between 40m and 70m by 2025. For that prediction to come true, however, battery technology needs to undergo a revamp. Download this article to find out what this could mean for insurance.
Social engineering schemes: Three ways to mitigate the risk of big losses
Social engineering fraud tends to fall into three main categories, each of which can harm a business’s balance sheet and reputation. This article highlights the different types of social engineering fraud and three steps businesses can take to mitigate the risk of big losses.
Half year review 2018
As we enter the second half of 2018, Neil Clutterbuck, Allianz chief underwriting officer, takes stock of some key industry topics and considers how these may develop. Topics covered: the Civil Liability Bill; Hackitt report; terrorism; broker market consolidation; ABI pricing principles and Brexit.
Leveraging artificial intelligence for automatic image analysis to validate claims
This short article focuses on three types of artificial intelligence that can be leveraged by insurance companies to analyse images in a STP environment in order to validate claims and check for fraud.
Mitigating cyber risk via captives
This article looks at the value a captive can deliver as an efficient and effective mechanism for financing and managing less predictable categories of risk, like cyber, before highlighting two important benefits to writing cyber within a captive.
Five ways charities can boost online fundraising
Fundraising encourages charities to be creative and stand out for all the right reasons. With technology enabling the success of many non-traditional fundraising ideas, we have put together a list of some online fundraising opportunities your charity clients might benefit from.