Technology Trends
1466 whitepapers and resources
Technology Trends
Your refrigerator: Appliance or accomplice?
Connected technologies are developing at warp speed and revolutionising consumer products. However, every internet-connected refrigerator, smart TV or thermostat offers hackers an opportunity to obtain personal data. This article highlights the opportunities and threats posed by connected devices.
Insurance companies in the digital era: Improving customer satisfaction by embracing technology
Based on input from over 500 UK motor, home and technology insurance customers who filed a claim in the past 12 months, this whitepaper focuses on how insurers can further utilise digital innovation to engage with consumers and improve the claims process.
Cyber coverage: What are companies looking for?
There is a lot of discussion around the growing risk of cyber incidents and the importance of cyber insurance, but few people are talking about the increasing sophistication of buyers. This short article briefly highlights the evolving needs of cyber insurance buyers.
Capturing hearts, minds and market share: How connected insurers are improving customer retention
How can insurers keep – and hopefully even expand – diverse customer sets? What factors drive retention and loyalty? This report sheds light on customers' relationships with insurers, what they perceive as valuable and in what ways they would like to interact and obtain new services going forward.
Understanding customers and risk: Your cognitive future in the insurance industry
For insurance, cognitive computing has indeed arrived, and its potential to transform the industry is enormous. Already, cognitive systems are driving customer engagement through virtual digital agents and improving decisions for underwriters. This report highlights the implications for insurers.
Cloud computing for insurance
The cloud represents enormous opportunities for change in the insurance industry as organisations strive to accelerate business transformation, reduce costs and gain access to new markets. This whitepaper sheds light on how insurers are already reaping the benefits of cloud computing.
Insurance fraud: Let's know our customers and their properties a little better
Misrepresentation at point of quote or sale has arguably been one of the biggest growth areas in insurance fraud. So why is the insurance industry seeing this trend and is it set to get worse? Download this article to find out more.
Insight briefing: Supporting innovation in insurance in a digital age
This insight briefing focuses on the need for policymakers to support innovation in fintech and insurtech, while also guaranteeing consumers the same protection when using services offered through new technologies by new market entrants as they have with similar offerings by traditional insurers.
InsurTech futures: The rise of the machines
In this article, Red Crake's Ed Pugh tells us how brokers can cut costs by using software systems to automate repetitive processes.
Rethinking insurance: How cognitive computing enhances engagement and efficiency
To better understand how the insurance industry can harness the power of cognitive technologies, IBM engaged over 1,500 executives worldwide for its Cognitive Insurance Survey. This report provides an in-depth analysis of that research and highlights how insurers can gain a competitive advantage.