Technology Trends
1466 whitepapers and resources
Technology Trends
In-depth: Cyber insurance
Cyber is a bold new frontier for the insurance sector but, as Rachel Gordon explains, the new risk type brings new challenges for brokers. She investigates the future of the market and what brokers can do to help clients manage risk in the digital age.
Future cities: Building infrastructure resilience
This report looks at how to improve the ability of cities and their infrastructure to withstand and recover from disasters. It includes three new pathways that will help city officials, businesses, communities and insurers work together to build greater city resilience.
Making the complex simple: Smart claims fraud detection
Reducing fraud losses is a high priority for insurers, with the market recognising they must contain fraud as a ‘managed risk’. But how can insurers work smartly to detect claims fraud? This article sheds light on how claims fraud indicators can be grouped into four main areas to improve detection.
The key risk trends of 2016
2016 was a tumultuous year. But sometimes you have to look back to move forward. This article examines what measures businesses should put in place now to define clear risk mitigation strategies and take informed action over the coming year.
Video: What young people expect from insurance
Featuring a collection of interviews, this video highlights how young adults in the UK regard their online lives and how this impacts their preferences when it comes to purchasing insurance.
Webinar: Rethinking digital - fine tune your strategy to future proof your business
Whether you are already well along the road of digital transformation or simply need to know where to start, this webinar will lay out a comprehensive road map leading you to digital Nirvana.
What are free helplines really worth?
By providing value-added services to customers, brokers can offer valuable guidance and support at no extra cost, whilst improving business retention. This guide explains how brokers can demonstrate the worth of value-added services to small and medium-sized businesses.
Seven takeaways from a discussion with London market technology experts on digital/cultural transformation
Insurance Post recently hosted a roundtable event in association with CSC where technologists discussed the importance of aligning digital transformation with digital change. Produced by Insurance Post’s content director Jonathan Swift, this blog post highlights seven takeaways from the discussion.
Five ways to connect more deeply with insurance policyholders
This whitepaper focuses on five ways insurers can connect more deeply with policyholders to encourage loyalty and spur long-term growth.
Infographic: Today's perceptions of driverless cars and the effect on tomorrow's insurers
This infographic illustrates UK motorists’ mixed attitudes towards driverless cars, perceived benefits and perceived drawbacks. Topics covered: safety benefits; pricing; concerns with using driverless cars in difficult weather conditions; preparing for a different insurance future.