Technology Trends
1485 whitepapers and resources
Technology Trends
Insuring construction’s complex risks
Construction is inherently a risky industry, especially with increasingly innovative and complex designs. Recent changes in the industry have also added risk management concerns to its current risk profile. This article highlights how insurers and brokers can navigate construction’s complex risks.
Webinar: Personalisation or irrelevance - Why insurance companies need to match their customer’s raised expectations in the digital age
Customers in the digital age want to feel important and prized, not just numbers feeding their bottom line. But what does this mean for insurers? This webinar discusses whether personalisation is possible and indeed desirable in insurance, and how it might be adopted.
Preventing ransomware – precautionary steps to take
You will have read about the NHS and many other organisations being impacted by a new strain of ransomware. This article sheds light on the threat posed by ransomware and outlines some precautionary steps you can take to avoid ransomware from infecting your system.
Ensure your third-party cyber defences are in order
StrategicRisk shows how to reduce your third-party cyber risk exposure and prepare to meet upcoming data protection regulations.
SME: Focus on small fleet
Technology is radically changing the way brokers should be approaching how they find cover for commercial cars and vehicles. Download this article to find out more.
Transforming motor fleet
In this article, Ed Murray explains why increased mechanisation and use of technologies such as telematics are transforming the way small motor fleet business is conducted.
Webinar: The digital insurer - meeting the needs of Millennials
Insurers need to be ready to take advantage of new technology to deepen their interactions and move to the next level of customer engagement. This webinar will explore how they can achieve this transition and what the future customer relationship will look like.
Position paper on liability insurance and emerging technologies
This paper responds to EU discussions relating to emerging technologies and consequential liability insurance needs.
Autonomous vehicles: What’s a steering wheel?
BI Intelligence predicts there will be 10 million self-driving cars on the road in 2020. However, driverless cars that can avoid almost all accidents are not necessarily risk-free. This article focuses on the possible implications of the robot revolution for risk management and insurance.
Your refrigerator: Appliance or accomplice?
Connected technologies are developing at warp speed and revolutionising consumer products. However, every internet-connected refrigerator, smart TV or thermostat offers hackers an opportunity to obtain personal data. This article highlights the opportunities and threats posed by connected devices.