All content by Ecclesiastical
2018 - A regulatory reflection
2018 has seen many regulatory changes that have affected us all. We look back at the regulations that have been implemented and those coming up in 2019. Topics covered: Brexit; GDPR; IDD; SMCR; renewal transparency; succession planning; credit worthiness and affordability.
One in five brokers has contemplated leaving the industry due to stress
The majority of brokers admit to feeling stressed at work, many feel overwhelmed by work pressures. Workloads, regulation and pressure to hit targets are contributing to mental health issues. Ecclesiastical lifts the lid on the mental health issues facing brokers across the UK.
Funding maintenance and maintaining an income
Maintaining heritage buildings is a must to future proof the properties but can be costly. In this article we look at the key considerations, challenges and opportunities when completing maintenance.
The impact of IDD on scheme creation and distribution
Our recent research revealed more than a third of brokers don’t feel fully prepared to meet the requirements of IDD, with only 8% of UK brokers saying they ‘know everything they need to know’. Designed for brokers, this guide looks at the impact of IDD on scheme creation and distribution.
Salvaging and restoring a piece of history
The stories that museums tell are narrated by artefacts collected from that period. However, when a fire rips through a museum with devastating results, precious artefacts with unique stories can be lost. This article looks at how organisations can salvage and restore what is left behind.
GDPR post-implementation - what next?
Designed for brokers, this short article explores the common themes and pitfalls of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) implementation and highlights some key areas that require continual attention.
Attracting the next generation of brokers
Based on input from 250 brokers, Ecclesiastical’s research found that while brokers are keen to hire young talent, most are struggling to recruit those aged 30 and under. This report looks at why young people should enter the market and what can be done to attract the next generation of talent.
SMCR - how prepared are you?
The Senior Managers and Certification Regime will affect all firms in some way, no matter what sector or size. As we are now over half way through 2018 and the SMCR regime begins next year, this article highlights what brokers need to be doing now to prepare.
Three quarters of heritage organisations and building owners found success in diversification
Diversification is a great way for heritage organisations to stay relevant, generate additional income and appeal to new audiences. There are many ways to diversify your offering, no matter the size of your organisation. Download this guide to find out more.
Mitigating conflicts of interest in the distribution chain
The distribution chain has attracted the Regulator’s interest for some time. The FCA has been carrying out an initial review of the wholesale market sector focusing on conflict of interest and distribution chain value. Download this article to find out more and the implications for brokers.