321 whitepapers and resources
Accelerating digital agility in insurance: Unlocking exceptional customer experiences with automation
Today’s insurance consumer wants smooth and convenient service, and only insurers who can deliver it will succeed in the 21st century. Designed for insurance leaders, this e-book explains how insurers can unlock the door to smarter automation and unleash higher return on experience.
Before and after Covid-19: Reimagining work with automation
The old way of working has gone forever, and we are entering a new normal. Based on research produced by Blue Prism in association with CIONET, this report focuses on the contrast between work in the pre and post Covid era and the change imperatives facing the C-suite.
Overcoming obstacles to intelligent automation adoption
If you’re innovating with intelligent automation in 2021, be prepared for the potential obstacles. This white paper examines the obstacles involved with planning and implementing automation technology, along with some common misconceptions about the technology’s capabilities and outcomes.
AI for the masses: Why intelligent automation is the missing link
Organisations in all industries have made investments in AI to re-shape their business models, but many have struggled with getting the ROI they expected. This whitepaper focuses on why intelligent automation just may be the missing link for business teams who are desperate to automate and innovate.
Managing claims surges in the digital age
Claims surges have been a frequent occurrence in recent years as events around the globe have hit insurers across multiple lines of business. This whitepaper focuses on how insurers can manage claims surges in the digital age by effectively using technology to complement frontline claims staff.
Claiming the full benefits of intelligent automation in insurance
Many insurers are now adopting automation to streamline processes, but only a few have gone beyond their initial use cases and discovered the real potential of automation. This white paper looks at the specific areas in which an insurance company can reap the most benefits from automation.
The strategic intelligent automation index: How boards are shaping future organisational models around a digital workforce
The digital workforce has come of age in 2020 during the Covid-19 pandemic. This report sheds light on Blue Prism’s analysis of annual reports issued by FTSE 350 companies and how boards are shaping future organisational models around a digital workforce.
Insurance industry trends in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic
In the wake of a global pandemic, this content focuses on the specific trends which are reshaping the insurance industry. Topics covered: customer expectations in 2020; artificial intelligence and automation; partnerships between insurers and technology companies; using blockchain to detect fraud.
Unlocking the value of touchless claims
It’s no secret that the claims process is inherently fragmented and complex. Watch this webinar to find out how the industry defines “touchless claims” and how insurance companies can implement claims automation to improve both the claims process and customer outcomes.
Case study: Enterprise automation saves an insurer millions
EXL helped a leading insurance company achieve an end-to-end claims transformation leveraging RPA, data analytics and a claims center of excellence. Download this case study to find out how the insurer saved $21M of potential fraud and reduced average claims processing times by 40%.