
401 whitepapers and resources


Reputation protection

Commercial reputations take years to build but can be destroyed in a matter of hours. This blog highlights why small businesses are just as vulnerable to a PR catastrophe as larger companies and how ARAG’s Crisis Communications cover gives expert PR advice and support to SMEs.

Speeding up the search for ATE cover

The market for ATE insurance to cover the costs in non-injury cases is growing rapidly. This blog sheds light on ARAG’s market-leading Recourse Options policy for commercial contract disputes and how the Accelerate platform speeds up the process of finding the best policy for a client’s claim.

Black Friday risks for SMEs

Every year, around this time in November, news pages, inboxes and search results are dominated by the words ‘Black Friday’. This content highlights three key areas that could expose SME businesses to serious legal and commercial risks.

Day one benefits animation

With most insurance policies, if you don’t make a claim then you don’t get any real benefit from them. ARAG's Essential Business legal policy is different, it offers a wraparound legal service from day one. Watch this animation to find out more.