Business Performance Management
393 whitepapers and resources
Business Performance Management
Claims spotlight: Selecting the right TPA partner - Sourcing
When it comes to working with a third-party administrator for property claims, how far should an insurer go? This spotlight focuses on the options available to insurers and some key factors to consider when selecting the right TPA partner.
Transform your data in three steps
This short paper outlines how insurance providers can transform their data based on three simple principles - aggregation, enrichment and validation.
Creating customer-centric service with AI and automation
The truth is that many organisations, in their attempt to become more customer-centric, have actually become channel-centric. Read this white paper to find out how your business can turn rhetoric into reality by using automation to put customers first.
Driving process improvements is not a fad - it's a necessity
The reality is that insurance is a very process-driven industry. Across underwriting, billing, and claims, workflows underlie every aspect of insurance. This blog outlines why driving process improvements is a necessity for insurers.
Video: Customer centric insurance - See the life not just the policy
There’s more to customers than just their insurance policies. In this video, Paul Ridge, Head of Insurance, SAS UK & Ireland, discusses how SAS can help your business transform to a customer centric model and begin to really understand the life behind the policy.
Transform insurance operations with Red Hat Process Automation
Insurers are continually seeking to modernise legacy processes and improve overall policyholder experience. This content focuses on how Red Hat Process Automation helps insurers capture business logic and develop applications that automate business processes and decisions.
The rise of the platform ecosystem in insurance
Global investment in the insurtech sector reached a new quarterly high of $2.55bn during the first quarter of 2021, according to Willis Towers Watson data. This blog sheds light on the rise of the platform ecosystem in insurance and how insurers can identify the most effective solutions.
A digital future - embracing evergreen technology
This article highlights how vital it is for insurers to upgrade their legacy systems and why a thorough understanding of IT spend and the real cost of grappling with outdated legacy systems is key to improving performance.
Smarter insurance investigation management
Insurance fraud investigations teams are under increasing pressure with high work volumes often leading to backlogs of requests for reviewing flagged claims and policies. Download this e-book to learn about new and more efficient ways to manage the fraud investigation process.
Spotlight - product development: Restoring confidence and seizing opportunities post Covid-19
This spotlight sheds light on the new technologies that can enable insurers to create unique customer experiences and restore consumer confidence in the post-Covid ‘new world’.