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Business Management - White papers related to Business Management
Connecting the dots, breaking the silos and putting the customer at the centre
The Covid-19 pandemic has altered how people both view and interact with insurance providers. Watch this video to find out how insurance companies can break down traditional silos in order to provide a slicker service and improve the customer journey.
Preparing for the future requires an in-depth assessment of emerging risks
For the seventh consecutive year, AXA sought to highlight experts’ perceptions of future risks by conducting a structured survey of more than 2,700 risk experts globally. Featuring a link to the full report, this article sheds light on some of the key findings from AXA’s Future Risks Report.
Driving change in insurance and rebuilding trust with the market
Insurance has been on the cusp of major change for a number of years. In this video, an expert panel discuss the key factors pushing companies to adopt change, how technology underpins the major cultural shifts in insurance and how the industry can rebuild trust with the market.
Helping 'Generation Y' employees adjust to a new work/life balance and managing a new insurance workforce
In this video, an expert panel discuss how insurers can meet the needs of ‘Generation Y’ employees and reap the benefits of an engaged, healthy and motivated workforce.
Upskilling and training to build a digitally literate workforce ready for modern business
As well as providing your workforce with the latest digital equipment, tools and solutions, it is important to ensure that your employees are ready with the knowledge to utilise them. Watch this video to find out how to build a digitally literate workforce ready for modern business.
Blog: Coronavirus, where are we now?
In this blog, Martino Scheepens, Customer Success Manager at FRISS, sheds light on monthly claims trends since March and why fraud will be increasingly seen as a way out for desperate people and businesses as a result of the pandemic.
A tour of the modern office: Is there a need for large scale office space in the post-Covid business world?
The change in where we work has happened overnight, with Covid-19 causing the mass migration of insurance staff away from traditional office environments and contact centres. In this video, an expert panel discuss whether the change is permanent and what the future holds for large scale offices.
Infographic: Covid-19 cyber awareness
The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and economic fallout combined with a shift to remote working has created ideal conditions for cyber criminals. This infographic highlights some key areas where businesses could be exposed to a cyber attack and how cyber coverage can mitigate the risks.
Public-private collaboration is essential to combat climate change
The insurance industry and capital markets can mitigate some of the physical impacts of climate change, but infrastructure investment and regulation will be critical in reducing the underlying risk. This article highlights why public-private collaboration is essential to combatting climate change.
Blog: Four ways brokers can move forward in a reshaped world
Overnight, the Covid-19 pandemic created isolation, remote workforces and, for many brokers, revealed cracks in operational foundations that weren’t previously apparent. In this blog, Andy Fairchild, CEO at Applied Systems Europe, looks at four ways brokers can move forward in a reshaped world.