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Business Management - White papers related to Business Management
Blog: The digital path forward for the broker market
In this blog, Andy Fairchild, CEO at Applied Systems Europe highlights some key takeaways from the annual Applied Digital Broker Survey, four key forces driving change and why now is the time for digital transformation within the broker market.
Lloyd's and the London market: Special report
With the launch of Blueprint One, Lloyd’s has demonstrated its commitment to an ambitious modernisation programme. Based on research conducted by Post and WNS, this report sheds light on how specialists view the proposed reforms and whether Covid-19 will jump start a London Market tech revolution.
Corporate responsibility: The many ways insurers can drive positive, sustainable change
In this article, Suzanne Scatliffe, Director of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), discusses how AXA XL’s CSR goals and initiatives have changed over the years, and the many ways they drive positive and sustainable progress on the world’s biggest problems.
Going beyond parametric solutions to tackle climate risks
As the frequency and severity of natural hazards changes, so too does the need for climate protection solutions. Produced by AXA XL, this content focuses on three ways businesses and communities can improve their resilience to climate risks.
Infographic: 2020 UK pet insurance facts
In the UK, 4.3 million pets are protected with insurance cover. This infographic highlights the trends, challenges, opportunities and growth drivers for pet insurance in the UK in 2020.
Innovating for the "next normal": Episode three - creating a culture for innovation success
The sudden switch to get 90% of staff working from home had been operationally feasible in the past, but hadn’t happened due to cultural barriers. This video highlights why culture lies at the heart of innovation success, especially when it comes to adopting new technologies.
Let's Talk podcast: Hélène Stanway discusses innovation during the pandemic and beyond
In this podcast, Hélène Stanway, Digital Leader, AXA XL, discusses innovation during the Covid-19 pandemic and beyond, including how lockdown has prompted new ways of looking at risk and accelerated innovation in the insurance industry.
Podcast: Is it possible to make insurance more honest?
In this podcast, Dan Gumpright, VP of Products at FRISS, talks with Max Bazerman, a business psychology specialist at Harvard Business School about honesty in insurance. Bazerman explains how honest insurance is only achievable when there is full transparency between insurers and their customers.
Eight traits of next generation insurers and how traditional insurers are holding themselves back
Designed for insurance executives who want to emulate the growth and success of agile, digital-native competitors, this guide explores eight traits of next-generation insurers and what holds traditional insurers back from emulating their success.
Innovating for the "next normal": Episode two - customer needs, self-service and automation
This video looks at how the deployment of conversational AI and chatbots can relieve unprecedented levels of calls in insurance contact centres and free up humans to do what they do well, which is providing customer service.