ABBYY is a Digital Intelligence company. We provide a Digital Intelligence platform that enables organizations to gain a complete understanding of their business. The platform is designed to allow organizations to deploy solutions in standalone configurations or as a tightly integrated extension of industry-leading RPA, BPM and packaged application solutions.
ABBYY technologies are used by more than 5,000 companies, including many of the Fortune 500 in finance, insurance, transportation and logistics, healthcare and other industries. ABBYY is recognized as a market leader in Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) and Process Discovery & Mining for driving impact where it matters most: customer experience, effectiveness, profitability and competitive advantage.
ABBYY has a worldwide presence with Headquarters in the United States and offices in 14 countries, including Germany, UK, France, Spain, Russia, Cyprus, Ukraine, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Hungary, Australia, and Japan. For more information, visit www.abbyy.com/company.
All content by ABBYY
Infographic: Taking the pulse on digital transformation in insurance
This infographic provides a snapshot of ABBYY’s digital transformation survey results. Topics covered: digital transformation technologies insurers use today; barriers to digital transformation; three biggest disruptions; technologies for tomorrow; how insurers monitor progress and bottlenecks.
Digital intelligence industry report: Simplify, digitise and scale
The Insurance Network, in collaboration with ABBYY, analysed insurance industry survey data, research, and interviews with insurers like Swiss Re and Zurich to create a framework for successfully digitising insurance processes. Download this report to find out more.
Spotlight technology: Adapting and evolving to maximise the potential of automation in underwriting
Automation is a growing reality in every corner of an insurance business. This spotlight explores the impact it is having on underwriting - and how staff are acquiring the skills to maximise its potential benefits here.
Claims - the genesis for digital transformation and cultural change
Insurers are continually striving to improve the claims service they offer and increase the speed at which claims are resolved. Featuring input from Ageas, AXA and Zurich, this spotlight focuses on why automation is vital to this process and the importance of digital skills within claims teams.
Spotlight technology: Collaboration and innovation to fill the digital skills gap in insurance
Automating processes in key functional areas such as underwriting and claims is top of mind at insurance organisations right now. This spotlight highlights the benefits of taking a holistic approach to digitisation and how involving teams with process improvement projects can be a game-changer.
Getting digital insurance right starts with content
Digital transformation is changing how insurers focus on customer experience. With these changes the problem of content - documents, messages, text - becomes the next issue to tackle. Watch this webinar to learn how to use content to accelerate the customer experience and improve critical processes.
Webinar: Mapping and innovating processes to drive better, customer focused decisions
Designed for insurers and brokers, this webinar explores how you can overcome the practical challenge of successfully changing the operating model in order to deliver a customer experience fit for the digital age.
Digital intelligence: End-to-end process improvement in insurance
Despite their adoption of modern technologies, too many insurers struggle with slow processes and lacklustre automation results. This content provides advice on how insurers can identify areas for automation and transform the customer journey.
Breaking barriers in mobile customer onboarding
With consumer expectations growing, enterprises must strive to provide simple and intuitive ways to register or sign-up for services. This e-book focuses on how organisations can improve mobile customer onboarding in order to strengthen customer loyalty within the crucial first touchpoints.
Accelerating digital agility in insurance: Unlocking exceptional customer experiences with automation
Today’s insurance consumer wants smooth and convenient service, and only insurers who can deliver it will succeed in the 21st century. Designed for insurance leaders, this e-book explains how insurers can unlock the door to smarter automation and unleash higher return on experience.