Business Management

2117 whitepapers and resources

Business Management - White papers related to Business Management

Attack of the drones

People are very good at inventing new and novel uses for unmanned aircraft, some of which are highly undesirable. The question is how can regulators and insurers keep pace with them and control them? Post’s article focuses on the risks posed by drones and the London Market’s response.

Product liability - food: Leaving a nasty taste

There are many toxic risks when it comes to food manufacture, with the recent Mars chocolate recall prompting businesses to assess their exposure. This article highlights the implications for both SMEs and large corporations affected by product recalls and the importance of obtaining adequate cover.

FM Global - Wasting energy

The waste-to-energy industry is booming, with revenues expected to reach US$28 billion this year. But integrated plants bring new risks. This article looks at simple precautions that can reduce the main risks - machinery breakdowns and fire.