Business Management
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Business Management - White papers related to Business Management
Harnessing consumer data in the motor insurance market
When it’s time to buy motor insurance, consumers are shopping around more than ever before. Based on the results of LexisNexis Risk Solutions’ research, this infographic provides a snapshot of the key findings and the opportunities available for motor insurance providers to stand out from the pack.
Promise and potential: How data and analytics are shaping the UK home insurance market
LexisNexis Risk Solutions recently completed a comprehensive study on how digitisation is affecting UK home insurers. This report examines current views on the role and potential of data and analytics within the home insurance industry.
Culture change: The future of insurance in the digital age
Insurers feel they need to adapt to the digital age but they don’t all agree on how to drive technological change. What culture should they nurture? Post in association with Microsoft invited 14 industry experts to discuss the challenges ahead. Download this article for a summary of the discussion.
Home insurance: Application acceleration - Prefill and automation
How do homeowners feel about their data being used by insurance providers for the purpose of prefilling application forms when applying for cover? This report sheds light on the findings from LexisNexis Risk Solutions’ survey and insurers’ views on the use of prefill and contributory databases.
Future-proofing claims for the digital age
Post, in association with MarkLogic, brought together representatives from the claims arena to address how digital processes can transform the way claims are handled. Download this article for a summary of the recent roundtable discussion and the key points raised.
People risk in international programs
As companies of all sizes continue to expand, and more employees travel for their jobs, it’s even more important for risk managers to keep a handle on people risks. This article highlights how companies can protect their people using their accident & health international programme structures.
Brexit and the insurance sector: Towards 2020 and beyond
What will Brexit mean for the UK’s insurance sector? This report provides a snapshot of opinions from within the UK insurance industry as the UK undertakes the somewhat tortuous road towards Brexit. Topics covered: key recommendations; Brexit outcomes; impact on UK insurers; future considerations.
Succeeding with digital transformation: Roles and challenges of key insurance enterprise stakeholders
The chief digital (or data) officer, chief underwriting officer and chief information officer have critical roles to play in the DX process for insurers. In this whitepaper, we clarify the roles and challenges of these key stakeholders in achieving three essential pillars of digital transformation.
Technology's bold contribution to insurance
In this blog post, Laura Drabik, Group VP Business Innovation, Guidewire, outlines how InsurTech is creating new pathways in an old industry. The blog also highlights how the industry can benefit by adopting a bolder approach to finding innovative solutions for customers.
Social engineering schemes: Three ways to mitigate the risk of big losses
Social engineering fraud tends to fall into three main categories, each of which can harm a business’s balance sheet and reputation. This article highlights the different types of social engineering fraud and three steps businesses can take to mitigate the risk of big losses.