Business Management
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Business Management - White papers related to Business Management
Looking to the future - what is the likely impact of Brexit on education establishments?
With less than a year to go until the UK leaves the European Union, 57% of Britain’s schools, colleges and universities have no plan in place to deal with the impact of Brexit. This article sheds light on Ecclesiastical’s latest research and what Brexit could mean for the UK’s education sector.
Cyber liability cover - What are the options for small to mid-sized businesses?
No organisation is immune to cyber liability and many small to mid-sized businesses are being targeted by cyber thieves. This article focuses on the specific threats posed to small businesses and how a cyber liability endorsement benefits smaller organisations seeking cover.
The threats and opportunities of autonomous ships
As autonomous cars feature increasingly in the headlines, it seems the world of shipping is not far behind, with various manufacturers and stakeholders turning their attention to the development of self-navigating cargo ships. This article focuses on the threats and opportunities presented.
What's in store for the shipping industry? A marine risk engineer's perspective
As seafaring experience becomes less relevant, marine risk engineers will require expertise in a diverse range of fields like automation, cybersecurity and construction. This article focuses on the latest developments impacting the shipping industry and the implications for marine risk engineers.
GDPR - developing best practice for obtaining consent
Following implementation of GDPR on May 25th, the UK entered into a new age of data protection. This guide focuses on best practice for obtaining consent before providing real world examples of the use of consent within the general insurance sector and seven practical steps brokers can take.
The evolution of healthcare insurance fraud
As the UK healthcare insurance market continues to grow, so too does the risk of healthcare insurance fraud. Produced by CRIF, this report sheds light on the common types of healthcare fraud, typical frauds impacting the NHS, and recent fraud trends and cases in the UK.
Countering fraud in the new 'micro-duration' insurance space
Within insurance, one of the recent trends to emerge can be categorised as the development of 'on demand' or 'micro-duration' insurance. This whitepaper studies how insurers are reacting to changing consumer needs and the impact upon claims management and counter-fraud activities.
Managing risk and uncertainty in an evolving independent school sector
Independent schools are facing uncertain times driven by external factors and a shift towards diversification. Based on research conducted by Ecclesiastical, this report sheds light on the changing risk landscape for independent schools and how brokers can help clients to mitigate exposures.
Pioneering insurance protection for an autonomous world
Is society ready for living in an autonomous world? Ready or not, it’s here. This article focuses on the ever changing risks and liabilities associated with autonomous technology, the implications for your clients and how the insurance industry can develop pioneering solutions.
Ports of Brazil: Measures that drive the sector
Brazil is among the ten largest “port economies” in the world, with around one billion tons of cargo handled in 2017. This article highlights the measures driving the sector and how insurance can contribute towards the development of Brazilian ports.