Business Management

2112 whitepapers and resources

Business Management - White papers related to Business Management

Smart contracts: Five things to know

We are living in an age where everything is becoming ‘smart’; from smartphones to smart televisions and smart cities. With contracts undergoing this transition as well, we've answered five key questions relevant to the concept of 'smart contracts' and the implications for your business.

Cyber risk and education

We’ve recently conducted research that shows education establishments are no exception to the growing of concern of cyber risk. As a result of our research, we’ve put together some information to help schools protect themselves from cyber threats.

Video: Cyber today - cyber tomorrow

Having determined the existing threats and information gaps in cyber, our final panel will bring our speakers together to determine how to future-proof your cyber strategy and ensure that brokers are equipped to deliver for their customers moving forward.

Motor technology advances

Vehicle technology has come a long way in the last decade, with devices such as autonomous emergency braking (AEB), dash cams and pedestrian airbags helping transform the UK’s roads. This whitepaper explores these new technologies and their potential impact on the insurance industry.

The social engineer

As companies and IT departments become more sophisticated in recognising scams, thieves are upping the ante. This article sheds light on what social engineering fraud looks like in 2018, prevention strategies in place and what to look for when seeking insurance cover for social engineering theft.