Business Management
2148 whitepapers and resources
Business Management - White papers related to Business Management
How an insurance industry platform helps insurers meet business and IT imperatives in a time of rapid change
The insurance industry finds itself in a time of accelerating technology-driven change. This blog highlights the consistent imperatives facing insurers and why insurers need to employ a platform that unifies three elements: software, services, and a partner ecosystem to power their businesses.
GDPR post-implementation - what next?
Designed for brokers, this short article explores the common themes and pitfalls of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) implementation and highlights some key areas that require continual attention.
Scheme Smart: How to grow and market your scheme
Produced by Insurance Age in association with AXA, this white paper provides advice to brokers on how to effectively market their scheme in the digital age and develop prosperous relationships with capacity providers to ensure long term success.
Pricing practices in the retail general insurance sector: Household insurance
This report sets out the key findings of the FCA’s thematic work on the pricing practices of household insurance firms. It then details our expectations of firms and our next steps.
Business interruption - what's your plan?
This guide identifies the key points that need to be considered should business interruption happen. Read this guide to help your clients understand the basics, the risks and ensuring they have a continuity plan in place.
Video: Scheme Smart - How to grow and market your delegated authority
Produced by AXA in association with Insurance Age, the second episode of our insightful documentary series, Scheme Smart, focuses on how to take a delegated authority to the next level.
FIS Readiness Report: The pursuit of growth across insurance
The FIS Readiness Index scores industry respondents across six key operational enablers of growth. Based on input from 300 decision makers within insurance, this report sheds light on the latest trends and reveals the secrets of the ‘Readiness leaders.’
Five common types of charity fraud and how to prevent them
This guide highlights the five most common types of charity fraud. Read this guide to help your clients identify the main types of fraud their organisation could face and the steps they could take to prevent it.
We need to talk about rehabilitation: Helping employees with mental health conditions
Poor mental health costs employers between £33 billion and £42 billion each year, according to a recent report by Deloitte. This article looks at the toll of poor mental health, actions organisations should be able to achieve, how insurance can help and the next steps for employers.
Attracting the next generation of brokers
Based on input from 250 brokers, Ecclesiastical’s research found that while brokers are keen to hire young talent, most are struggling to recruit those aged 30 and under. This report looks at why young people should enter the market and what can be done to attract the next generation of talent.