Technology Trends
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Technology Trends
Video: AI in insurance - Transforming customer relationships
Artificial intelligence will transform the insurance industry. In this video, Sasha Sanyal, Genpact's global business leader for insurance, discusses how insurers are using AI to impress and retain their customers.
Motor Mouth podcast five: The future of mobility and the impact for motor insurers
In the next in our series of podcasts with Motor Insurance World speakers, Alex Lewis-Jones, research manager at Delta EE, is interviewed by Post’s editor Stephanie Denton, on alternative modes of travel, the challenges and hurdles to our transport and the future of mobility.
Motor Mouth podcast four: Road safety and the scourge of the uninsured driver
In the next in our series of podcasts with Motor Insurance World speakers, Andrew Cox, detective superintendent at the Metropolitan Police, is interviewed by Post’s content director Jonathan Swift, outlining what challenges insurers can expect to come across over the next decade.
Navigating the pace of change in general insurance
External forces are necessitating fundamental changes to the way insurers do business. Duck Creek Technologies commissioned Celent to survey carriers’ stances on the pace of change in insurance and the drivers causing this transformation. Download this research report to find out more.
The digital revolution of insurance: Today, tomorrow and beyond
To compete and succeed today and into the future, brokers and insurers need to embrace digital technology to build stronger relationships and collaborate with greater transparency. This eBook sheds light on the key drivers of change and how brokers can seize the new opportunities presented.
Does Lloyd's have the insurtech blueprint for the future?
The announcement of the Lloyd’s Blueprint One had been well signalled when Lloyd’s announced the Future of Lloyd’s Prospectus back in May 2019. This short article provides a perspective on Lloyd’s latest modernisation programme.
Motor Mouth podcast two: Back to the future! What will the future car mean for motor insurers?
In the second of our series of podcasts with Motor Insurance World speakers, David Williams, managing director of underwriting and technical services at Axa, is interviewed by Post’s content director Jonathan Swift, outlining what challenges insurers can expect to come across over the next decade.
Motor Mouth podcast one: To 2020, and beyond!
In the first of our series of podcasts with Motor Insurance World speakers, Martin Milliner, general insurance claims director at LV General Insurance, is interviewed by Post’s content director Jonathan Swift, outlining what challenges insurers can expect to come across over the next decade.
The many faces of malicious software
Did you know malware was the third most common form of cyber attack in 2019? In this article, Aviva highlights three common ‘guises’ of malware and the steps that you and your business can take to avoid becoming a victim.
Infographic: What will be the biggest challenges for motor insurers over the next decade?
Based on research conducted by Insurance Post, this infographic highlights the seven biggest challenges for motor insurers over the next decade.