Technology Trends
1466 whitepapers and resources
Technology Trends
Blog: The changing landscape of identity theft
Valid motor insurance is proving to be a valuable disguise for today’s criminals, with fraudsters using stolen identities to take out cover. In this blog, James Burge, fraud manager at Allianz sheds light on the changing landscape of identity theft and the tactics used by fraudsters.
Growing your insurance brokerage through M&A - How technology can help
In this whitepaper we describe the main challenges insurance brokerages are likely to face when integrating a merger or acquisition and outline how technology can help.
Mind the gap: Using external data to reduce pricing disparity in property underwriting
To uncover the key challenges faced by property underwriters and the tools being used to manage property risks, Post in association with Verisk recently surveyed 73 front-line specialists. This report sheds light on how successful insurers are using external data to support property underwriting.
Digital intelligence: Achieving the promise of digital insurance
EXL’s research suggests that many organisations are struggling to generate the business value they expect as a result of digital transformation. This whitepaper focuses on how the insurance industry can leverage Digital Intelligence by bridging the gap between expectations and outcomes.
Value chain disruption in insurance: The road to insurance as a platform
This whitepaper explores the “need for speed” within the insurance market and how the speed of change across all industries is demanding a new approach to delighting customers and growing revenue.
Why technology represents the biggest opportunity for insurance distribution
Automation is reshaping the insurance industry, resulting in lower margins and higher customer expectations. Novidea’s research highlights that while the vast majority of respondents perceive the industry and their businesses to be highly tech-driven, actual levels of adoption are stunningly low.
A three-step guide to insurance transformation
The insurance industry is operating in an age of radical disruption, yet insurers and their technology partners have long struggled to balance systems integration with the flexibility needed to adapt to change. This whitepaper provides a three step guide to transformation.
The three top challenges for insurance firms and how application integration can help solve them
This whitepaper explores some of the approaches best suited for responding to three top challenges facing insurance firms and the ideal application integration architecture that underlies these approaches.
Why insurance companies should re-evaluate operations in a digital world
Today’s insurance customers demand more but the good news, according to most studies, is that consumers are willing to pay more for the value and convenience of a world class seamless experience. This whitepaper focuses on the benefits insurers can achieve by enhancing their digital capabilities.
White lies and misbehaviour: Why consumers mislead motor insurance providers
To understand motor insurance consumers’ attitudes towards misleading insurers, and to find out which groups of consumers are most likely to try to do this, LexisNexis Risk Solutions commissioned a survey of 1,500 UK consumers. This whitepaper provides analysis of the research findings.