People Management

317 whitepapers and resources

People Management

Webinar: Insurance qualifications in Hong Kong

Produced by POST Webinars in association with the CII, this webinar discusses the strengths and weaknesses of the existing insurance qualifications and industry bodies that are available in Hong Kong and how they compare to other countries.

Automation: Rise of the machines

A study placed underwriters near the top of a list of jobs most at risk of being phased out in favour of automated systems. But how real is the prospect of underwriters being replaced by machines, and should it be welcomed or feared? Download Post's article to find out.

Roundtable: The future of the insurance industry

One of the big challenges the insurance industry faces is adapting to the increasing use of technology. Post recently gathered a group of Chartered Insurance Institute young generation members and asked them to present their ideas of what the customer focused insurer of the future might look like.