People Management
317 whitepapers and resources
People Management
Webinar: Insurance qualifications in Hong Kong
Produced by POST Webinars in association with the CII, this webinar discusses the strengths and weaknesses of the existing insurance qualifications and industry bodies that are available in Hong Kong and how they compare to other countries.
Infographic: How the digital workplace is reshaping financial services
Download Fujitsu’s digital workplace infographic to discover the opinions of insurance and banking employees when it comes to workplace technology and why it should no longer be seen as a cost centre.
Research state of the broker nation: Professionalism and staff
In the third part of Post’s research sponsored by LV=, brokers share their views on career progression, diversity and succession planning within the industry. Brokers also discuss the value of apprenticeships and achieving chartered status.
Automation: Rise of the machines
A study placed underwriters near the top of a list of jobs most at risk of being phased out in favour of automated systems. But how real is the prospect of underwriters being replaced by machines, and should it be welcomed or feared? Download Post's article to find out.
Lloyd's and the London Market: Innovation & modernisation
The London Market is keen to encourage innovation, but that will involve overturning tried and tested practices and bringing through the younger generation. Post’s article studies what the future holds for the London Market and overcoming barriers to modernisation.
Lloyd's and the London Market: Deepening the talent pool
The second part of the research asks what diversity means to Lloyd’s and the London Market and how can it attract young talent and people from outside the profession into insurance.
Making human intervention smart: Can man and machine ever work in perfect harmony?
Where does the successful adoption of electronic trading within insurance leave the trading relationship between underwriter and broker? This article highlights why new technology complements traditional methods and the importance of making any human intervention as smart as possible to add value.
Roundtable: The future of the insurance industry
One of the big challenges the insurance industry faces is adapting to the increasing use of technology. Post recently gathered a group of Chartered Insurance Institute young generation members and asked them to present their ideas of what the customer focused insurer of the future might look like.
Research state of the young insurer nation: Tomorrow's world
In the fourth and final section of this research project, Michèle Bacchus asks young insurer employees how they see the future of insurance and what they feel they can learn from the older generation.
Research state of the young insurer nation: Relationships
In the third section of the research, Michèle Bacchus looks at how the young employees see the relationship the insurance industry has with the government and the general public.