1144 whitepapers and resources
Five ways to connect more deeply with insurance policyholders
This whitepaper focuses on five ways insurers can connect more deeply with policyholders to encourage loyalty and spur long-term growth.
From insurance agent to trusted advisor: How to cultivate customer loyalty
This e-book explores how insurance companies can empower their agents to move beyond day-to-day tasks, develop lifelong customer relationships, and ultimately become trusted advisors.
In-depth: Succession planning
In this succession planning in-depth, Ida Axling investigates how insurance brokers can get the most out of a management buyout and finds out what type of buyer could be best for your brokerage.
Latest industry trends in cyber security and cyber insurance
Cyber insurance is one of the most important new insurance lines to emerge in decades. How is the cyber security landscape shifting, and what are the implications for insurance carriers and brokers? Download this article to find out more.
Webinar: Building your cyber insurance policy - What do you need to know?
The cyber insurance market presents huge opportunities for insurers, but there are many practical concerns when developing a cyber product. This webinar will guide you through the process of developing a cyber policy, from concept through to launch and implementation.
Customer-centric differentiation in insurance: Meeting the data challenge
The insurance ecosystem, rocked by disruptive technological and competitive forces, has changed forever. Based on in-depth research, this report sheds light on how insurance companies are readying themselves for customer-centric differentiation.
Insurtech start-ups: Funding the future
Insurtech start-ups have a range of options to fund their business: from private equity to crowdfunding, from partners to business angels, from incubators to accelerators. Post’s article assesses the different options available for insurtech start-ups.
Spotlight motor data: Taking today's customers into the fast lane
Having grown up in the internet age, Millennials have very different expectations to previous generations. Young people are getting into the driver’s seat and motor insurers need to understand how to build a relationship with them. Download this article to find out more.
Cross-selling to businesses: A quick guide
There are plenty of opportunities for cross-selling when arranging cover for small and medium-sized businesses. Designed for brokers, this quick guide discusses key questions that will get your customers thinking about where they may have gaps in cover and help boost your chances of cross-selling.
The Fujitsu European financial services survey: Disruption in insurance isn't just a tall tale
This report focuses on how digital disruption is shaping the behaviour of insurance consumers and what they expect from their providers. The report highlights how insurers can benefit by meeting existing customer needs and anticipating their needs in the future.