1144 whitepapers and resources
Blog: Keeping up with the customers
Customer expectations have changed. Technological advances in the past five to 10 years have refocused entire industries on providing ‘real-time’ customer care. This blog post explains that while insurance businesses are notoriously complex, customers now want immediate and precise answers.
Blog: Empowering customers through digitisation
Insurtech has arrived. There are daily headlines speculating how the technological revolution will impact the insurance industry and there’s no question that it will. This blog post looks at the impact of digitisation for the consumer.
Blog: How artificial intelligence will simplify insurance
While insurance is becoming ever more complex, insurers are being disrupted by digitally-led start-ups simplifying what insurers do for customers. Mike Downing, CTO for the WPA Group, envisages long and complex policies with drawn-out claims processes becoming history in the not-too-distant future.
Roundtable: How will brokers stay ahead in business?
At a time when regulation and taxes are weighing heavily on their operations, brokers find they have to adapt to the digital age. At a Post roundtable, in association with SSP, they discussed how they can leverage new technologies to better serve their customers and thus stay relevant.
How can insurers and brokers help ICT clients tackle heightened risks?
The ICT sector in Asia-Pacific is booming with many companies experiencing rapid growth. This whitepaper sheds light on this buoyant sector and highlights how brokers can help ICT clients tackle heightened risks, whilst avoiding the perils of underinsurance.
How investment returns affect insurance premiums
Just as customers are affected by political and economic developments beyond their control, so too are insurers. This article aims to help brokers educate customers on the factors that can influence the size of premiums, including insurers’ investment returns.
The Insurance Act 2015 and Enterprise Act 2016 adaptation guide
The Insurance Act 2015 and Enterprise Act 2016 have prompted major change across the UK insurance market – the former having come into force in August 2016, the latter on 4th May 2017. Based on broker feedback, this guide provides a practical summary of surveyed concerns and potential solutions.
Why you need to be considering excess layers for customers
In February 2017, the Lord Chancellor announced a cut in the discount rate, moving it from +2.5% to -0.75%. By providing anonymised examples of real Zurich claims, this article sheds light on the significant impact on the cost of future settled claims, as well as future casualty and motor premiums.
Tackling noise induced hearing loss claims
February 2016 saw the first ‘fundamentally dishonest’ ruling made in relation to a noise induced hearing loss [NIHL] claim. This article highlights the significance of the ruling and offers three top tips for insurers interrogating data related to NIHL claims.
Webinar: Personalisation or irrelevance - Why insurance companies need to match their customer’s raised expectations in the digital age
Customers in the digital age want to feel important and prized, not just numbers feeding their bottom line. But what does this mean for insurers? This webinar discusses whether personalisation is possible and indeed desirable in insurance, and how it might be adopted.