Risk Management
790 whitepapers and resources
Risk Management
Brexit – Considerations for insurance and reinsurance companies
This information sheet highlights considerations for insurers and reinsurers in the event of Brexit - Britain's exit from the European Union (EU), the occurrence of which is subject to a referendum in June 2016.
Video: Power hour - risk management
Insurance Age’s latest roundtable addressed risk management and the additional services brokers need to offer. In this video, James Sharp, TEn Insurance, Bob Darling MD of Coversure and Mona Said, Allianz, talk about how brokers can stand out from the competition.
Roundtable: Running the risk
Adding risk management services to their offering could help brokers differentiate themselves from their competitors. Our expert panel discuss outsourcing, regulation and how insurers can help. Download this article for a summary of the roundtable discussion.
Emerging risk report: Political violence contagion - A framework for understanding the emergence and spread of civil unrest
This Lloyd’s report investigates the conditions that enable political violence contagion – outbreaks of sub-state political violence triggering similar events across the international system – and presents a practical approach that may better equip insurers to assess this emerging risk.
Reputation risk in a social media culture: How well is the insurance market responding?
Companies are looking to insure against reputation risks, but they need better and more robust measures to work from. This whitepaper considers: the need for brand and reputational risk cover; barriers to insurer participation; available coverage; how the insurance industry should respond.
Attack of the drones
People are very good at inventing new and novel uses for unmanned aircraft, some of which are highly undesirable. The question is how can regulators and insurers keep pace with them and control them? Post’s article focuses on the risks posed by drones and the London Market’s response.
Product liability - food: Leaving a nasty taste
There are many toxic risks when it comes to food manufacture, with the recent Mars chocolate recall prompting businesses to assess their exposure. This article highlights the implications for both SMEs and large corporations affected by product recalls and the importance of obtaining adequate cover.
Blocks of flats: Flat out for a better deal
This article studies the challenges posed by insuring blocks of flats. The article looks at the risks associated with modern methods of construction, the shift towards leaseholders and tenants exercising their Right to Manage their buildings, and the implications for brokers and underwriters.
FM Global - Wasting energy
The waste-to-energy industry is booming, with revenues expected to reach US$28 billion this year. But integrated plants bring new risks. This article looks at simple precautions that can reduce the main risks - machinery breakdowns and fire.
How resilient is your supply chain?
FM Global’s Philip Johnson discusses the importance of good decisions and sound data in relation to supply chain resiliency.