Risk Management
790 whitepapers and resources
Risk Management
End of the sub-100% combined ratio?
Commercial Risk Europe asked leading experts if lower claims frequencies were due to luck or better management and whether the market’s set to change.
Insurainsight 360 SME Insurance research project
What do SME owners and their insurance providers really think about the products and services they receive and offer? This article sheds light on the key findings from a recent SME Insurance research project comprising input from over 200 insurers, brokers and business owners.
Hard crash: How problems become catastrophes
This fictitious scenario, put together by Risk and Insurance editors and industry partners, brings to life the factors that can lead to disaster.
AXA's approach to the Insurance Act - A guide for brokers
This broker guide sets out how AXA intends to incorporate the provisions of the Insurance Act 2015 into its commercial insurance contracts and outlines what further help and support will be available from AXA.
A broker's guide to the Insurance Act 2015
This guide to the Insurance Act contains information on what brokers need to be doing ahead of the implementation on 12th August 2016. It covers the changes which the Act will introduce including fair presentation of risk, remedies, warranties and conditions, fraudulent claims and contracting out.
A "near miss" or too close to the mark? Balancing drone risk and regulation
Given the rapid increase in the volume of drones in use and an eight-fold rise in near-misses with other airspace uses, this CII Thinkpiece focuses on the risks presented by drones, regulatory developments and the types of drones available for leisure, commercial and military purposes.
Virtual values: The impact of technology on businesses today
In an innovation-based economy, it may come as no surprise that intangible assets now comprise up to 90% of a business’s value. But what does this mean for the insurers who cover and service these companies? FM Global looks at the challenges involved from a property loss perspective.
The data game
Cloud technology is a must for many businesses, despite concerns over outages, software glitches and cyber-attacks. FM Global’s Angela Conway examines the pros and cons and the actions users should take to ensure data remains accessible.
After Tianjin are we now better prepared?
The economic impact of last year’s Tianjin port explosion could be as high as $8 billion. FM Global’s Philip Johnson suggests that following three simple steps should enable organisations to identify and mitigate risks from future disasters.
In-depth: Break into cyber
Larry Ferguson investigates why some brokers aren’t selling cyber and learns why they should be. He finds out how, with expertise and effort, cyber policies can be explained and sold to clients.