Risk Management
790 whitepapers and resources
Risk Management
Global catastrophe recap: January 2016
January winter weather caused USD4 billion in losses to the global economy, according to Aon's catastrophe study. This report studies the impact of El Niño influenced rainfall events and winter weather in the United States and Asia.
Legal update: Reputation management
Reputation damage can have catastrophic effects. How can you help your clients protect their reputation when something goes wrong? Post's article looks at how insurers can help.
Risk management: What next for risk?
After the PRA approved many internal models for Solvency II capital calculation, insurers can't sit back and admire the fruits of their labour. With underwriting standards, setting reserves and corporate governance on the PRA’s radar in 2016, this article looks at how insurers can get a head start.
Business interruption key issues: Overcoming hurdles in business interruption
This report addresses the key reasons why purchasing BI cover can be so complex and suggests practical steps that insurance managers can take to understand their BI risk and increase their confidence in the effectiveness of the cover purchased.
Identifying and dealing with flood risk
Severe flood events in the UK are on the rise, but planning ahead can dramatically reduce the impact of flooding. This article provides advice to brokers on how to mitigate clients' flood risks.
How to keep empty properties safe
Whatever the reason, vacant properties may carry additional risks for property owners, particularly when left empty for long periods of time. This article examines some of the main risks and what your customers can do to mitigate them.
D&O and cyber: C-suite cyber risks take off
US legal influences continue to impact on the UK directors’ and officers’ market – and that now includes the growing cyber threat. Post's article studies the impact of increased cyber breaches upon D&O claims and highlights five questions to help clients assess cyber risk in relation to D&O.
Why you need engineering inspections
Customers may be unaware of their duty to periodically inspect their equipment, leaving them vulnerable to regulatory action or even criminal prosecution if something goes wrong. This article looks at five key reasons why your customers can benefit from engineering inspections.
CIR Special Report – 2016: A confluence of risks
Predicting the future is vital to preparing your business for any eventuality. This CIR Special Report examines the convergence of risks that will define the landscape in 2016, and the potential impact of climate, technological and social change on organisations’ risk management strategies.
Disruptive influences: Technology, politics and change in the financial sector
This report focuses on the next wave of technological progress which is likely to have a fundamental impact on how the financial services world will interact with and impact on the wider consuming public.