The Association of British Insurers (ABI) is the trade body for insurance companies in the UK. The Association has around 400 companies in membership. Between them, they provide around 90% of domestic insurance services sold in the UK. ABI member companies also account for almost 15 per cent of investments in the London stock market. The ABI’s policy work is organised around four main policy departments: General Insurance; Life and Pensions; Financial Regulation and Taxation and Investment Affairs. In addition, the ABI has an expert Research and Statistics Department, and represents the insurance industry to external audiences through its Media and Political Affairs and European and International teams.
All content by ABI
Review of the ABI and BIBA Code of Good Practice regarding support for potentially vulnerable motor and household customers at renewal
The ABI and BIBA jointly published a voluntary Code of Good Practice to support potentially vulnerable motor and household customers at renewal. This paper highlights eight examples of good practice identified in firms and the next steps to support vulnerable customers.
ABI response to proposals to support advanced driver assistance systems and automated vehicle technologies
Responding to the Department for Transport’s consultation on how to support developing automated vehicle technologies, this joint paper from the Association of British Insurers (ABI) and industry body Thatcham Research, provides feedback on the DFT’s consultation.
ABI guide to resistant and resilient repair after flood
If you or your clients have suffered a flood you will know how devastating and distressing it is. This guide provides advice on flood resistant measures, how to minimise the impact of flooding and the value of resilient repair products.
Home insurance: What you need to know
The ABI's Home insurance guide tells customers the key things they need to know to ensure they buy the best policy for them and get the most from their home insurance.
Making sense of cyber insurance: A guide for SMEs
Cyber threats are a growing and rapidly changing threat to UK businesses of all types and sizes. This guide sets out key features of cyber insurance policies to look for when you are seeking to insure your business.