Business Management
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Business Management - White papers related to Business Management
Accelerating digital agility in insurance: Unlocking exceptional customer experiences with automation
Today’s insurance consumer wants smooth and convenient service, and only insurers who can deliver it will succeed in the 21st century. Designed for insurance leaders, this e-book explains how insurers can unlock the door to smarter automation and unleash higher return on experience.
Before and after Covid-19: Reimagining work with automation
The old way of working has gone forever, and we are entering a new normal. Based on research produced by Blue Prism in association with CIONET, this report focuses on the contrast between work in the pre and post Covid era and the change imperatives facing the C-suite.
Guidewire's approach to predictive analytics, part two: Data strategy
Predictive analytics holds tremendous potential to transform insurance operations, but data strategies need to be aligned with the requirements of actuaries and predictive modellers. Part two of this blog series focuses on the unique needs of predictive analytics with respect to data.
Embracing claims digital transformation - focus on outcomes
Claims are one of the few opportunities insurance carriers have to deliver a positive, impactful customer experience, build customer loyalty and collect valuable data to help improve operations. This article focuses on the benefits of embracing claims digital transformation.
Identifying the right tools for a better insurance customer experience
In an attempt to deliver the ultimate customer experience, insurance leaders are investing in new technologies to automate and accelerate processes. This seven step checklist explains the critical tools of process-targeted automation, so you can invest wisely and drive maximum results.
Risk convergence: How insurers can seize the initiative on privacy, cyber risk and operational resilience
Based on a recent webinar discussion where insurance risk and privacy leaders discussed the changing operational risk landscape, this article shares five critical learnings that insurers must apply, if they are to seize the initiative on privacy, cyber risk and operational resilience.
Guidewire's approach to predictive analytics, part one: The need for a comprehensive approach
Now is a good time for insurance companies to step back and re-evaluate the end-to-end process of getting value from predictive models, and to ask if we should be doing things differently. Part one of this blog series focuses on the need for a comprehensive approach to predictive analytics.
Cyber: Unlocking opportunities for insurers and brokers in a shifting market
The Cyber Risk Survey conducted by Post in association with CyberScout provides some great insight into claims activity and changes in the cyber landscape. This spotlight sheds light on how insurers and brokers can help their customers to assess and mitigate potential risks to their businesses.
How have cyber risks changed since the Covid-19 pandemic started?
In 2020, the cyber risk landscape changed drastically as a result of Covid-19 and the mass migration of employees to remote working environments. Based on feedback from cyber risk specialists, this spotlight sheds light on how cyber risks have changed over the past 12 months.
Spotlight - climate change: Aviation, carbon neutrality and the potential impact on the insurance market
Post’s climate change survey ranked aviation as the most significant industry that contributed to lowering carbon emissions during lockdown. This spotlight focuses on the link between climate change, aviation and carbon neutrality as well as the potential impact on the insurance market.