Business Management

2112 whitepapers and resources

Business Management - White papers related to Business Management

2021 cyber risk outlook

The global pandemic created near-perfect conditions for cybercriminals and resulted in a sharp spike in cybercrime. This content focuses on how evolving cyber trends will impact the year ahead, the implications for insurers and the importance of understanding the human drivers behind cybercrime.

Cyber: The case for increased rates

Cyber-crime is proliferating, and cyber insurance is now an integral component of many companies’ risk management programmes. However, insuring against cyber risk presents multiple challenges for underwriters. Max Broodryk, AXA XL’s Product Leader-Cyber Risk, APAC, provides more details.

Driving a data-fuelled insurance business

New regulatory and accounting requirements, changing customer expectations and competitive forces are leading many insurance companies to re-evaluate their approach to data management. This white paper focuses on how insurance companies can reap the benefits of a data-fuelled insurance business.