Business Management
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Business Management - White papers related to Business Management
Overcoming the business challenges to achieve digital transformation
In this report, Guidewire and The Insurance Network reflect and analyse on the findings in a research programme on how to tackle the key challenges in digital transformation as the insurance sector responds to the pandemic and the demands of the digital age.
11 insurance company technology trends transforming the industry in 2021
Insurance technology is poised to mature even more in 2021. Digital insurance offerings and a defined omnichannel approach to customer service is driving the pace of change in the P&C markets. This blog sheds light on 11 emerging insurance tech trends.
2021 cyber risk outlook
The global pandemic created near-perfect conditions for cybercriminals and resulted in a sharp spike in cybercrime. This content focuses on how evolving cyber trends will impact the year ahead, the implications for insurers and the importance of understanding the human drivers behind cybercrime.
Webinar: Mapping and innovating processes to drive better, customer focused decisions
Designed for insurers and brokers, this webinar explores how you can overcome the practical challenge of successfully changing the operating model in order to deliver a customer experience fit for the digital age.
Digital intelligence: End-to-end process improvement in insurance
Despite their adoption of modern technologies, too many insurers struggle with slow processes and lacklustre automation results. This content provides advice on how insurers can identify areas for automation and transform the customer journey.
Required immunity: Can I force employees to have the Covid-19 vaccine?
It’s hard to imagine a word cloud for 2020 without the word “vaccine” in it, and 2021 is proving to be little different. This content focuses on whether employers can require employees to be vaccinated before returning to work, and potentially dismiss them, if they refuse.
Cyber: The case for increased rates
Cyber-crime is proliferating, and cyber insurance is now an integral component of many companies’ risk management programmes. However, insuring against cyber risk presents multiple challenges for underwriters. Max Broodryk, AXA XL’s Product Leader-Cyber Risk, APAC, provides more details.
Environmental liability: Top concerns for 2021
This content focuses on four specific environmental liability exposures that will be of primary concern in the years ahead for businesses and the insurance industry, before outlining how these exposures are presenting some unique liability challenges across the globe.
Meta data driven approach to Data Lakes - avoiding a data swamp!
Ageas UK is one of the largest general insurers in the United Kingdom, providing insurance to over five million customers. This whitepaper highlights the data modernisation journey of Ageas UK and how the insurer successfully built a cloud hosted Data Lake to transform its capabilities and services.
Driving a data-fuelled insurance business
New regulatory and accounting requirements, changing customer expectations and competitive forces are leading many insurance companies to re-evaluate their approach to data management. This white paper focuses on how insurance companies can reap the benefits of a data-fuelled insurance business.