
190 whitepapers and resources


The road ahead for autonomous vehicles

It's only a matter of time until the majority of vehicles on our roads have some autonomous capabilities. Before this can happen, there are a lot of issues that need to be worked out to ensure safety and protect road users. Download this article to find out more.

Back to the future of fuel

A year on from our feature, 'The future of fuel', which focused on electricity, we're going on a return trip to look at a few alternative solutions: hydrogen, biofuel and solar power. This guide highlights why insurers need to be prepared to accommodate whichever solutions become the prime choices.

Getting smarter in the workplace

Smart building technology is transforming the way businesses operate, with sensors and trackers able to monitor everything from an escape of water to how employees move around the workspace. This article looks at how new innovations are making workplaces safer whilst changing the risk landscape.