809 whitepapers and resources
Pricing practices in the retail general insurance sector: Household insurance
This report sets out the key findings of the FCA’s thematic work on the pricing practices of household insurance firms. It then details our expectations of firms and our next steps.
Technology is reshaping the construction industry
Technology is reshaping how the construction industry operates. This article looks at how new construction tech tools offer project owners, contractors and their insurers new ways to improve job site safety, boost efficiencies and minimise project risk.
Back to the future of fuel
A year on from our feature, 'The future of fuel', which focused on electricity, we're going on a return trip to look at a few alternative solutions: hydrogen, biofuel and solar power. This guide highlights why insurers need to be prepared to accommodate whichever solutions become the prime choices.
Constructive conversations: Optimising opportunities for project owners
Solving complex construction risks for project owners means bringing all the expertise to the table - risk engineers, multi-line underwriting and claims. This article highlights how project owners can optimise opportunities within the construction industry.
Getting smarter in the workplace
Smart building technology is transforming the way businesses operate, with sensors and trackers able to monitor everything from an escape of water to how employees move around the workspace. This article looks at how new innovations are making workplaces safer whilst changing the risk landscape.
Specie insurance: A valuable form of coverage
An important but lesser-known niche of the global insurance industry is specie insurance. This specialised form of coverage is essentially about protecting high-value, portable items – such as precious metals, gems, securities, cash and even cryptocurrency. Download this article to find out more.
Guide to insuring charity premises
This guide highlights the importance of charities having the right insurance cover in place when it comes to protecting their premises. Read this guide to help your clients understand the risks and costs that come with replacing damaged property.
Infographic: The importance of financial loss cover for contract manufacturers
This infographic highlights the importance of financial loss cover for contract manufacturers. View this infographic to help your clients understand how important it is for them to be covered financially should something like a defect in their product be discovered.
Best practices for promoting site safety: Tried, true and non-capital intensive
This article highlights how new technologies and innovative approaches being introduced today in conjunction with a familiar set of tried and true best practices are proving to be effective in safeguarding a company’s physical assets.
Research and development risks infographic: Ensure all risks are covered
Organisations involved in the research and development of biomedical and life sciences products or services require specialist cover. This infographic shows the importance of a tailored policy with specialist cover for property damage and business interruption to ensure that all risks are covered.