Technology Trends
1470 whitepapers and resources
Technology Trends
Achieving digital agility in the age of Covid-19
This blog highlights some of the challenges businesses are facing in the age of Covid-19 and ways to improve digital agility in order to overcome this disruption and lead meaningful conversations with customers at a time when it is more important than ever.
Imperatives for how to build for speed: Policy administration
This article focuses on imperatives for how to build for speed within insurance, how the latest policy administration systems can help insurers to differentiate their offerings, and how insurers can take advantage of analytics and business intelligence to gain a competitive advantage.
Resolve to make conversations SMARTER in 2020
To be successful in 2020, companies must become more digital-focused, while keeping customer experience a top priority. Download this whitepaper to be inspired to transform customer communications into engaging, SMARTER conversations!
Evolving from customer communications to SMARTER conversations
Your customers are trying to tell you something, and it's time to deliver. This eBook addresses the critical need for companies to start to have SMARTER customer conversations and how you deliver the change your customers want and need.
Managing increased cyber security risks due to coronavirus
A major event like coronavirus presents increased cyber and data security risks, especially with large numbers of organisations adopting home working policies. This content sheds light on the specific cyber security risks facing organisations and the steps they can take to mitigate their exposure.
Simplifying your core systems
Given the potential to save time and resources, the rationale behind having a common set of definitions seems pretty clear-cut, yet most insurers have not implemented this imperative. This white paper provides advice to insurers on the specific steps they can take to simplify their core systems.
KYC and AML: Your essential guide to intelligent automation in finance compliance
From the first touch point to the later ‘back book’ checks, financial institutions have to work hard to get regulations to work together with customer experience. This guide focuses on how organisations can use intelligent automation to strike a balance between compliance and customer experience.
Tackling the complex challenges of commercial insurers with Duck Creek Solutions
For commercial insurers, the ability to rapidly process complex data and act on it swiftly is a critical competitive advantage. This white paper explores the unique challenges facing commercial insurers and the ways in which Duck Creek's solutions can turn those challenges into opportunities.
Customer centricity in the digital age
To succeed in the modern insurance marketplace, carriers must focus first and foremost on the evolving expectations of their customers. This eBook explores the tools, techniques, and strategies carriers can tap into for success, and delves into three key concepts.
Motor Mouth podcast 11: Technology the driver in motor insurance
As the world moves through the coronavirus pandemic, the need to utilise new technology has been made starker. In this podcast, Jonathan Swift, content director of Insurance Post and Mike Brockman, CEO and founder of Thing Co discuss whether motor insurance can reap the benefits of new technology.