Technology Trends
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Technology Trends
The power of the data platform: One door to a world of insights
No-one can afford to be slow when handling insurance claims in the modern insurance space. This blog highlights the importance of hyper-personalisation and why the data platforms of the future hold the key to delivering an intimate customer experience.
Podcast: Reflections on a year working from home
It’s clear that Covid-19 has pushed organisations across the insurance industry to adopt new strategies and behaviours, some of which are likely to become the new normal. In this podcast, Rob Savitsky from Duck Creek chats with Jim Bramblet of Accenture about his experiences working from home.
Claims spotlight: Selecting the right TPA partner - Enhanced service
For insurers, using a third party administrator can enable them to manage claims effectively and offer customers a bespoke service to help deal with specific challenges they may face. This spotlight focuses on how TPAs can enable insurers to enhanced service and obtain useful management information.
The future of technology infrastructure in a rapidly evolving market
The pandemic has certainly reminded us all of the need to prepare for the unexpected and that not all risks can be assessed based on historical data. This blog focuses on the factors impacting the changing risk landscape and how technology infrastructure is reshaping the insurance industry.
Infographic: How digital brokers are more efficient
A digital broker delivers greater efficiency because technology automates the majority of the manual, time-consuming tasks required to run the business. View this infographic to find out more.
How data and analytics are transforming the insurance market
The insurance industry has become more competitive every year and those insurance companies who can improve their business practices through the use of data and analytics will be the winners. This blog highlights how data and analytics are transforming the insurance market.
A glimpse into the future of claims
Today's customers want quicker claim settlements, clear communications and complete visibility, whilst insurers are seeking new ways to lower claim expenses and increase claims accuracy. This blog highlights how innovations within the claims space can help insurers tackle the challenges ahead.
Infographic: How digital brokers deliver enhanced customer satisfaction
In a crowded marketplace, insurance brokers must focus on the demands of the customer to provide a superior customer experience. This infographic highlights how digital brokers deliver enhanced customer satisfaction by providing omnichannel experiences expected by today’s consumers.
Transform your data in three steps
This short paper outlines how insurance providers can transform their data based on three simple principles - aggregation, enrichment and validation.
Infographic: How digital brokers deliver enhanced trust
A survey of small business owners indicated that trustworthiness was the most important factor in the selection of their insurance broker. This infographic highlights how digital brokers deliver enhanced trust.