
344 whitepapers and resources


Driverless cars: How close are we?

UK roads could see self-driving vehicles rolled out by 2025 following the announcement of new government plans which will prioritise safety through new laws. This content sheds light on the latest developments and the potential implications for drivers, manufactures and motor insurers.

All on board – firms must tackle representation

The FCA requires listed firms to report on, and disclose, targets on how well represented women and ethnic minorities are on boards and executive management teams. This article investigates if the regulator has been too light-touch on this important issue of underrepresentation.

The ten commandments of P&C core solutions

Property and casualty insurers need a PAS core system that can meet customer expectations while at the same time, conforming to changing regulations. Where do you start? Follow Sapiens’ ten commandments of P&C core solutions (policy administration systems) and you can’t go wrong.

The consumer duty challenge

The FCA’s rules and guidance for a new Consumer Duty require insurers and brokers to put their customers’ needs first. In this article, Peter Blanc highlights why professional advice will be the only way insurance customers can ensure they will know what they are buying.