337 whitepapers and resources
CII public affairs update: Issue one 2016
The CII's public affairs updates contain news from Westminster and Whitehall, Europe and the regulator. This issue covers the new FCA Chief Executive, the Bank of England and Financial Services Bill and the implementation of the Insurance Distribution Directive.
Vulnerable customers: Access at a price
How businesses treat vulnerable customers has been the subject of concentrated focus by the Financial Conduct Authority and insurance trade bodies over the past 12 months. Insurers deny giving disabled customers a raw deal, but could they be doing more? Post’s article investigates.
Risk management: What next for risk?
After the PRA approved many internal models for Solvency II capital calculation, insurers can't sit back and admire the fruits of their labour. With underwriting standards, setting reserves and corporate governance on the PRA’s radar in 2016, this article looks at how insurers can get a head start.
EU update: Insurance Distribution Directive passed and MiFID-2 implementation
The Insurance Distribution Directive (formerly known as the re-cast Insurance Mediation Directive or IMD-2) has been passed with significant increases in consumer protection including scope and professional standards. This briefing sheds light on the latest regulatory developments.
Insurance Act 2015: A guide to fair presentation
The Insurance Act 2015 is the biggest change to UK commercial insurance in more than 100 years. Airmic have launched a guide to understanding the new provisions under the Act, in particular the new duty for policyholders, achieving fair presentation of the risk.
CII policy briefing: Strengthening individual accountability in insurance - SIMR, conduct rules and approved persons
The PRA and FCA have published a number of policy statements and consultation papers relating to the forthcoming Senior Insurance Managers Regime (SIMR). This CII policy briefing provides an overview of the final rules and includes a 2016 timeline of events.
BIBA compliance rules: Quarter four 2015
BIBA's four page regulatory roundup focuses on: the insurance industry's use of big data; consumer vulnerability; mapping the road to greater management responsibilities.