337 whitepapers and resources
The Insurance Act 2015: An implementation guide
The Insurance Act 2015 is a real game changer for the industry and will govern every business insurance contract placed, renewed or amended under UK law on or after 12th August 2016. The essential aim of this guide is to equip brokers to cope with the challenges posed by the new regime.
International cross-border controls
As the British public are poised to vote on Brexit, the European Commission is considering moving cross-border barriers for insurance sales, with digital innovation a potential key driver. Download Post's article to find out more.
AXA's approach to the Insurance Act - A guide for brokers
This broker guide sets out how AXA intends to incorporate the provisions of the Insurance Act 2015 into its commercial insurance contracts and outlines what further help and support will be available from AXA.
The admin fee rip-off
In this one page article, Rebecca Rutt, senior insurance writer, Money Saving Expert, sheds light on the view that customers are being ‘duped’ by unfair administration fees and why the regulator needs to get involved to enforce a blanket ban on unfair extras.
FOIL Digest May 2016
FOIL's digest provides an overview of the latest legal issues impacting the insurance industry. Topics covered: civil litigation review; Enterprise Act 2016; Mesothelioma Bill; bogus NIHL claim; riot damages case - Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Co v The Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime.
A broker's guide to the Insurance Act 2015
This guide to the Insurance Act contains information on what brokers need to be doing ahead of the implementation on 12th August 2016. It covers the changes which the Act will introduce including fair presentation of risk, remedies, warranties and conditions, fraudulent claims and contracting out.
EU regulation: Draft rules affecting insurance-based investment products
Insurance Europe has published a two page insight briefing paper on why the draft packaged retail and insurance-based investment products regulatory technical standards contain significant design faults, which - if not corrected - will result in consumers being misled.
Thematic review: Fair treatment of long-standing customers in the life insurance sector
The FCA conducted a thematic review to assess how firms were operating their investment-based life insurance product closed-books and to determine if they were treating their closed-book customers fairly. This paper sets out how the FCA conducted its review, key findings and expectations for firms.
FOIL Digest April 2016
FOIL's digest provides an overview of the latest legal issues impacting the insurance industry. Topics covered: insurance fraud and bribery; EU VAT Directive for claims handling services; legislation updates; latest Court of Appeal cases; MedCo; Brexit.
Video: Expertise from A-Z with Sarah Mallaby
In this video, Allianz head of technical claims Sarah Mallaby shares her thoughts on whether the Jackson reforms were a success or not; what the changes in the threshold for personal injury claims might mean; and why Allianz is not a soft touch when it comes to fraudulent claims.