337 whitepapers and resources
FOIL Update - Brexit: The issues for insurers and their lawyers
Reading the press at the moment you’ll see that the outcome of the Brexit vote is predicted to affect everything from premiership football teams to the safety of pharmaceuticals. This article looks at the key issues from an insurance industry perspective.
European General Data Protection Regulation: A cyber game changer
On the cards for the longest time, the European General Data Protection Regulation has finally obtained member state approval and the clock has officially started counting down to its 2018 implementation. This article briefly outlines new responsibilities that insurers must prepare for.
Strengthening accountability in banking and insurance
The PRA and the FCA consulted on a set of proposals for the provision of regulatory references in respect of individuals applying for certain roles at deposit-takers, insurers and investment firms. This policy statement provides information on the corresponding rules that have been made by the PRA.
Brexit – Considerations for insurance and reinsurance companies
This information sheet highlights considerations for insurers and reinsurers in the event of Brexit - Britain's exit from the European Union (EU), the occurrence of which is subject to a referendum in June 2016.
The claims process: Together again
Hammering down loss adjusters on fees proved a false economy for insurers as falling service standards merely wreaked more havoc on the industry’s reputation. But sense has prevailed and the two sectors are showing signs of a welcome reconciliation. Download Post's article to find out more.
Trust in insurance campaign: SMEs - all things unequal
Last year’s FCA thematic review found a gap between what SMEs expect of their insurers and the service they actually get. What can insurers do to make SMEs feel more valued? Download this article to find out.
Video: Unbreakable bundles - How to sell insurance add-ons
In this video, Lesley Attu, product development manager, ARAG, talks you through what you need to know about “unbreakable bundles”, ahead of the upcoming FCA changes.
Price optimisation for insurance - optimising price; destroying value?
Price optimisation is on the rise in UK insurance, driven by the insight that underwriters gain from big data. In his latest Thinkpiece, Duncan Minty considers how these events might influence the FCA’s current market study on big data, and how insurers might prepare for the regulator’s response.
International Solvency II: Bring on Bermuda
Bermuda is poised to receive European Parliament approval for Solvency II equivalence, will this boost the market’s potential on a global scale?
Legal update - Insurance Act: A brave new world
The Insurance Act will demand a change of underwriting culture to reduce the risk of litigation. Download Post's one page article to find out more.